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单词 sceptic
释义 sceptic (US - skeptik) /pskeptik; 'skeptik n person who doubts the truth of a particular claim, theory, etc; person who doubts the truth of the Christian religion or of all religions. 怀疑若; 怀疑论者; 怀疑某主张、学说等之真实性者; 怀疑基督敎或一切宗敎之真理者。 sceptical (US = skep-) /-kl; -k|/ adj inclined not to believe; in the habit of questioning the truth of claims, statements, etc. 怀疑的; 惯于怀疑主张、陈述等之真实性的 escep.ti.cally (US = skep-) /-kli; -kli/ adv scepticism (US = skep-) /'skeptisizam; 'skEptO/Sizm/ n [U] doubting state of mind; ~al attitude of mind. 怀疑; 怀疑态度; 怀疑主义。




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