释义 |
自私自利zì sī zì lìegocentric; self-centred;selfish; egoistic ❍ 他们都是~的沙,可以肥己时就肥己,而且每一粒都是皇帝,可以称尊处就称尊。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—203) They are all self-centred,self-seeking grains of sand,out to better themselves while they can; and each particle is an emperor,who lords it over others whenever he can. ❍ 凤,你以为我这么~吗?你不该这么看我。(《曹禺选集·雷雨》40) Now,Feng! You don’t imagine I’m that selfish,do you? You mustn’t think I’m that sort. 自私自利selfish; self-centered; self-seeking;egoistic 毫无~之心absolute selflessness/出于~的动机act from selfish motives/~的人self-seeker;self-seeking person;selfish person 自私自利zì sī zì lì只顾自己的利益,不考虑别人和集体。selfish, egotism, self-centred, look after one’s own interests |