释义 |
自暴自弃zì bào zì qìabandon oneself to despair;be resigned to one’s backwardness; give oneself up as hopeless (/to vice); quarrel with one’s bread and butter; have no urge to make progress; self-abandon ❍ 自暴者,不可与有言也;自弃者,不可与有为也。(《孟子·离娄上》) With those who do violence to themselves,it is impossible to speak. With those who throw themselves away,it is impossible to do any thing. ❍ 宝玉道: “这也算~了……” (《红楼梦》599)“Don't be too modest,” said Baoyu. ❍ 不应该望到马克思列宁主义创始人那样伟大的革命家的思想和品质,认为高不可攀,就~,畏葸不前。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》10) He should not regard the thinking and qualities of such great revolutionaries as the founders of Marxism-Leninism as beyond his reach,give up and be afraid to advance. ❍ 他跳下卧床之后,四五步就走到书桌面前,坐下去,抽出一张绿格纸,毫不迟疑,但又~似的写下一行题目道:《幸福的家庭》。(《鲁迅选集》上—112) Jumping out of bed,in four or five steps he reached the desk,sat down,took out a piece of paper with green lines,and promptly,yet resignedly,wrote the title: A Happy Family. 自暴自弃desperation 自暴自弃give oneself up for lost; be selfabandoned; throw oneself away; be selfforsaking 自暴自弃zì bào zì qì暴:糟蹋;弃:鄙弃。自己糟蹋自己,自己鄙视自己。形容自己甘心落后,不求上进。give oneself up as hopeless, throw oneself away, abandon oneself to despair, give up hope for oneself |