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单词 humble
释义 humble /'hAmbl; 'hAmbl/ adj (-r, -st) 1 having or showing a modest opinion of oneself, one's position, etc: 谦恭的; 谦逊的: He is very ~ in the company of his superiors. 他跟上级在一起时非常谦恭。 eat ~ pie, make an abject apology, humiliate oneself. 低声下气地道歉; 丢脸。 2 (of persons) low in rank or position; obscure and unimportant; (of things) poor; mean: (指人)微贱的; (指物)卑下的: men of ~ birth; 出身微贱的人; a ~ home; 简陋的家; 。 ~ occupation. 卑下的职业。 vt [VP6A] make ~; make lower in rank or self-opinion: 使卑下; 贬抑: ~ one's enemies; 挫敌人的锐气; ~ sb's, pride; 挫某人的气焰; ~ oneself before God. 在上帝面前表示卑下。 humbly adv in a ~ way: 谦恭地; 微贱地: beg most humbly for forgiveness; 极谦恭地恳求饶恕; humbly born, of ~ parents. 出身微贱的。




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