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Ⅰ ❶ [书] (青玉) green jade
❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 潭 Bi Tan Ⅱ (青绿色) blue;bluish green;greenish;azure:~ 云 bluish clouds;~ 空 a clear blue sky;an azure sky;~ 波 bluish waves;~ 海 the blue sea;~ 草 green grass;verdant grass
◆碧波荡漾 The surface of the lake [river] ripples.;
碧波粼粼 clear,blue ripples;A breeze ruffles the green water.;
碧波万顷 a boundless expanse of blue water;a boundless stretch of clear water;(The lake) stretches green and vast;
碧草如茵 a carpet of green grass;The expanse of verdant grass seems like a pleasant mat.;
碧海青天 There is an azure sky above the blue sea.;a blue ocean under a blue sky;
碧水苍天 Above are the blue heavens,below are the green waters.;
碧血丹心 loyal-hearted;absolute loyalty [devotion]; deep patriotism;righteous blood and loyal heart;
碧野无际 The green grassland stretches to the horizon.;
碧玉 jade;jasper





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更新时间:2025/3/3 19:40:55