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单词 能文能武

能文能武néng wén néng wǔ

as handy with the pen as with the rifle; be capable or handling both military and civilian affairs; be efficient in both brainy and brawny activities; be proficient in book knowledge and skilled in practical work; be able to wield both the pen and the sword; be versed in both polite letters and martial arts
❍ 生产是能手,打仗是英雄,~,全民皆兵,嗨! 力量大无穷…… (黎汝清《海岛女民兵》 2) We’re good at production,丨And no laggards at fighting.丨As handy with pen as with rifle,Everyone a soldier! 丨Hai! We have immense strength.
❍ 如今知道朝里那些老爷们都是~,出力报效,所到之处,早就消灭了。(《红楼梦》1503) But now all our high officials are good administrators and strategists,exerting themselves to repay the Emperor’s favour,so wherever they go they quickly wipe out brigands.
❍ 个个都是~的人! (冯志《敌后武工队》79) Everyone is literate and also can fight!/听说,新近过来一伙武工队,净是~本事大的人,…… (冯志《敌后武工队》87) The latest I heard was that an armed work team had come,and that they’re all capable people who can read and write as well as fight.
❍ 我听说棉纺公会有位江菊霞,是什么执行委员,又是女老板,~,……(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—238) I’ve been hearing about a certain Jiang Juxia of the Cotton Spinning Association. They say she’s on the executive committee,a woman industrialist of quite remarkable talents…

能文能武nénɡ wén nénɡ wǔ

既有文才,又精通武艺。形容文武双全。be able to wield both the pen and the gun, be versed in both polite letters and martial arts, be able to do mental and manual labour





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