晾liànɡ ❶ (使干燥) air; dry in the air: ~ 干菜 dry vegetable in the air; 草垫子该 ~ 一 ~ 了。 The straw mattress needs to be aired. ❷ (晒) sun; dry in the sun: ~ 被子 sun quilts; 她把洗好的衣服 ~ 在绳子上。 She hung the washing on the line to dry. ❸ (把热的东西放一会, 使温度降低) make or become cool: 把开水 ~ 一 ~ 再喝。 Let the water cool before you drink it. ◆晾干 dry by airing; dry in the air; airing; dry out; 晾晒 air; field; sun-cure; 晾烟 air-curing of tobacco leaves; air-cured tobacco; 晾衣架 airer; clotheshorse; drier; clothes hanger; 晾衣绳 clothesline |