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[书] (受得住) be able to bear or endure Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 元皓 Nai Yuanhao
另见 see also nénɡ。


Ⅰ ❶ (能力; 才干) ability; capability; skill: 各尽所 ~ each according to his ability; 无 ~ lacking in ability; incompetent; 一专多 ~ good at many things and expert in one
❷ {物} (能量) energy; power: 电 ~ electric [electrical] energy; 化学[原子] ~ chemical [atomic] energy; 热 ~ heat [thermal] energy; thermodynamic power; 太阳 ~ solar energy Ⅱ (有能力的) able; capable: ~ 人 able person; man of large calibre Ⅲ (能够) can; be able to; be capable of: 病人仅 ~ 勉强坐起来。 The patient was but poorly able to sit up. 人们认为她完全 ~ 照顾自己。 It was felt that she was perfectly capable of taking care of herself. 他好多了, ~ 下床了。 He's much better and can get up now. 她一分钟 ~ 打70个字。 She can type 70 words a minute. 我干这个工作 ~ 行吗? Am I really fit for the job?
另见 see also nài。
◆能辨其微 appreciate minute differences; 能带 {物} energy band; band; 能当量 {物} energy equivalent; 能动 active; dynamic; vigorous; 能动性 dynamic role; activity; initiative; theory of conscious activity; motility; 能动主义 {哲} activism; 能干 able; capable; competent; 能歌善舞 can both sing and dance; be good at singing and [as well as] dancing; can sing and dance well; skilled in singing and dancing; 能工巧匠 skilled craftsmen; a master artisan ; artificer; a skillful craftsman; dab hand; skilled workers; 能攻能守 able to charge or hold its ground; be able to take the offensive or hold one's ground; be good at offense and defense; can both attack and defend; 能够 can; be able to; be capable of; 能官能民 be able to work both as “officials” and as ordinary people; be ready to be an official or one of the common people; may be a leader, yet does not consider it beneath his dignity to be one of the masses; 能耗 energy consumption; 能级 {物} energy level; 能见度 visibility; conspicurity; seeing; 能力 ability; capacity; capability; 能链 {物} energy chain; 能量 {物} energy; amount of energy; 能量守恒 conservation of energy; energy conservation; persistence of energy; 能量转换 {物} energy conversion; energy transformation; 能流 energy current; 能耐 [口] ability; capability; skill; talent; 能谱 energy spectrum; 能骑善射 be a good horseman as well as a crack shot; be talented in riding and shooting; expert at horseback riding and shooting (arrows); 能屈能伸 can bend or unbend — can take temporary setbacks; able to bow and rise at will; able to stoop or stand erect; adaptable to circumstances; can either stoop or stand; knowing when to yield and when not; submit or assert oneself as the occasion requires; taking the rough with the smooth; 能人 able person; capable brains; able man; 能上能下 able to work both at the top and down below; be able to work at both higher and lower levels; be ready to accept a higher or lower post; be ready to work at any post, high or low; be ready to work both at the top or at the grass roots; 能诗善画 having superior abilities to write poetry and good in painting; 能事 what one is particularly good at; 能手 dab; expert; crackajack; proficient; 能说会道 have a glib [nimble] tongue; a silver [smooth] tongue; be a glib talker; be a good [an eloquent] talker [speaker]; be pretty glib; good at talking; have the gift of the gab; with a ready tongue; 能文能武 can compose and perform military exercises; be able to wield both the pen and the gun [sword]; be skilled in using both the pen and the rifle; be versed in both polite letters and martial arts; efficient in both brainy and brawny activties; 能言善辩 be skilled in debate; a silver [smooth] tongue; an eloquent person; glib and quick-tongued in argument; have a shrewd tongue; possessing manifest eloquence; 能源 the sources of energy; energy resources; energy source; energy; 能源革命 energy revolution; 能源技术 energy technology; 能源危机 energy crisis; 能者多劳 An able man is always busy.; Able people should do more work.; An able man is always wanted for everything.; The able ones always have calls upon their time.; The abler a man, the busier he gets.; The abler one is, the more one should do.; The capable ones are always busy.; 能者为师 Let those who can serve as teachers.; Let those who know teach.





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