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单词 horse
释义 horse /has; hors/ n 1 four-legged solid-hoofed animal with flowing mane and tail, used from early times to carry loads, for riding, etc. 马。 → the illus at domestic. 参看 domestic 之插图。 ccolt', filly, foal, mare, stallion, a dark ~ person whose chances of success are not yet known, or have been overlooked. 黑马; 获胜之成算尚未得知之人; 爆出冷门的获胜者。 a ~ of another colour. quite a different matter. 完全是另一回事。 back the wrong ~, support the loser in a contest. 支持竞争中的失败者。 be/get on one's high ~, insist on being treated with proper respect. 摆架子; 趾高气扬; 倨傲作态; 盛气凌人。 eat/work like a ~, eat a lot/work hard. 大吃 (努力工作) 。 flog a dead ~, cflog, hold one's ~s, hesitate; show restraint. 犹豫; 自制。 look a gift ~ in the mouth, accept sth ungratefully esp by examining it critically for faults (because a ~ 's teeth indicate its age). 接受礼物不知感激反而挑剔、批评 (因马齿可表示其年龄) 。 put the cart before the ~, cart. (straight) from the ~'s mouth, (of tips, advice, information) from a first-hand source. (指秘密消息,劝吿,情报) 直接得来的。 2 (collective sing) cavalry; (集合单数) 骑兵: ~ and foot, cavalry and infantry; 骑宾和步宾; light ~, lightly armed mounted soldiers; U 骑矣; ~ artillery, light artillery with mounted gunners; 骑炮宾; the 'H ~ Guards, cguard' (6). 3 framework, often with legs, on which sth is sup ported: 支虹 (常带有腿的): a 'clothes- ~, on which clothes may be dried in front of a fire; 烘衣架; a 'vaulting- ~, block used in a gymnasium for vaulting over. (体操用的) 木马。 4 (compounds) (复合字) ' ~ back n (only in) (U用于) on ~ back, on a ~. 在马上; 骑着马。 '~-box n closed vehicle for taking a ~ by rail, or towing behind a car, etc. (纤路上. 或拖于志车后面之) 运马用的有篷货车。 ~-'chestnut n large tree with spreading branches and clusters of white or pink blossom; shiny reddish-brown nut of this tree. 七叶树 (一种树枝展开,开白色或粉红色花族的大树); 七叶树之明亮的红褐色坚果。 ~ flesh n [U] a flesh of ~s as food. 马肉 (用作食物) 。 b ~s collectively: 马 (集合称): He's a good judge of ~ flesh. 他是个鉴别马匹的行家。 '~fly n (pl -flies) large insect troublesome to ~s and cattle. 虻; 马蝇。 '~hair n [U] hair from the mane or tail of ~s, formerly used for stuffing sofas, etc. 马鬃; 马尾 (昔时用做沙发娘塞料等) 。 ~ laugh n loud, coarse laugh. 呵呵大笑。 ' ~ man /-man; -man/ n (pl -men) rider on ~ back, esp one who is skilled. 骑马者 (尤指善骑者) 。 man-ship /-Jip; -Jip/ n [U] art of riding, skill in riding, on ~back. 马术。, ~- meat n - ~flesh. '■ play n [U] rough, noisy fun or play. 喧闹的娱乐。, ~- pond n pond for watering and washing ~s. 徐马池; 洗马池。 '~-power n [U] (shortened to 略作 hp) unit for measuring the power of an engine, etc (550 foot-pounds per second). 马力 (测量引擎等动力的单位,一匹马力为每秒 550 呎磅) 。 '~race n race between ~s with riders, 赛马。 '~racing n [U]. '—radish n [U] (plant with a) hot-tasting root which is ground or scraped to make a sauce (eaten with beef). 莲菜; 蒲菜根 (有辣味,磨碎或刮碎可制成一种调味品,与牛肉共食。) ' ~- sense n ordinary wisdom, 常识。 '— shoe /phojju:; 'horjju n U-shaped metal shoe for a sth of this shape, eg a ~-shoe table. 马归职; 马掌; 马吟铁形助 (例如马府形桌) 。 '~whip n, adj (-pp-) (thrash with a) whip for ~s. 马灵; 用马 , ~-woman n woman who rides on ~back. 女乘马者; 女骑师。




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