缠(纏)chánⅠ ❶ (缠绕) twine;wind: ~ 线轴 wind thread onto a reel; 那人的胳臂上 ~ 着绷带。 The man's arm is wound with bandages. ❷ (纠缠) tangle;tie up;pester: 干吗老 ~ 着我? Why do you keep worrying me? 我整天都被工作 ~ 着。 I am tied to my work all day. 这两股线 ~ 在一起了。 The two threads got tangled up. ❸ [方] (应付) deal with: 这人真难 ~。 This fellow is really hard to deal with. Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 谊 Chan Yi ◆缠绵 (纠缠不已) lingering;(宛转动人) touching;moving; 缠绵悱恻 a sad and sentimental (poem etc.);(of writing) exceedingly sentimental;extremely sad;inextricable and commiserative;(with) tender and romantic sentiments; 缠绕 (条状物回旋地束缚在别的物体上) twine;bind;wind;swathe;enwind;intertwine;wind-up;convolve;(纠缠;搅扰) worry;harass; 缠身 be delayed;be held up by or burdened with sth.; 缠手 troublesome;hard to deal with; 缠足 foot-binding |