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单词 honour
释义 honour1 (US = honor) /'ona(r); 'anvl n 1 [U] great respect; high public regard: 尊敬; 大众南萩重: wi/i ~ in war; 立战功; a ceremony in ~ of those killed in battle; 纪念阵亡将士的仪式; show ~ to one's parents. 尊敬父母。 do sb~; do ~ to sb, show courtesy to, esteem of: 向某人致敬: Twenty heads of state attended the Queen's coronation to do her ~. 二十位国家元首参加女王加冕典礼以向她致敬。) maid of '~,lady in attendance upon a queen, princess, etc. 宫安。 ,guard of '~,number of soldiers chosen to escort or welcome a distinguished person as a mark of respect. 仪(仗) 队。 2 [U] good personal character; reputation for good behaviour, loyalty, truthfulness, etc, 人格; 名誉; 荣誉; 信誉。 on one's ~, on one's reputation for telling the truth. 以人格担保。 an affair of ~, (hist) duel fought to settle a question of ~. (史)决斗。 be/feel in ~ bound to do sth, required to do it as a moral duty, but not by law. 道盒上(觉得)应做某事。 one's word of ~, guarantee to fulfil an obligation, keep a promise, etc, 名誉担保。 pay/incur a debt of ~, one that need not be paid legally, but which one's good name requires one to pay. 偿还(欠负)(法律上不能追索的) 信用借款。 put sb on his trust him, his ~ being lost if he fails to do what is required, breaks a promise, etc, 使某人以人格担保。 3 (in polite formulas) (用于客套语中) giving of ~. 荣幸。 do sb the ~ of; have the ~ of/to: 给某人…之荣幸; 有… 之荣幸 May I have the ~ of your company at dinner? 敬备菲酌,恭请光临。 Will you do me the ~ of dining with me this evening? 今晚备有便餐,敬请赏光。 (formal style) (正式文体) I have the ~ to inform you that... 敬启者…。 4 Your/His H~, title of respect used to/of some judges. 阁下(对某些法官之尊称)。 5 an person or thing bringing credit: 带来光荣的人或物: He is an ~ to his school/family. 他是他的学校(家庭) 引以为荣的人。 6 (pl) marks of respect, distinction, etc; titles; civilities. (复)荣誉的标识; 官衔; 爵位; 礼仪。 birthday ~s, (in GB) list of titles, decorations, etc conferred by the Sovereign on her or his birthday. (在英国)国君诞辰授予的勋爵,勋章等。 New Year H~s, similar list awarded on 1 Jan. 元旦所授予的助爵,勋章等。 full military ~s, ceremonies, marks of respect, paid by soldiers at the burial of a soldier, to distinguished visitors, eg Presidents. 军葬礼; (向总统等贵宾致敬之)军礼。 do the s. (colloq) (of the table, house, etc) act as host(ess), guide, etc and do what politeness requires; perform some small ceremony, eg propdse a toast. (俗)(席间、房屋等内)尽主人、向导等之谊; 执行某种小礼仪(例如提议举杯祝颂健康)。 7 (pl) (in universities) (place in) top division of marks in degree examinations; special distinction for extra proficiency. (复)(大学)学位考试的优等; 特优之荣誉。 8 degree, one requiring some specialization. 优等学位(需要专修某科目而获得者)。 → general, pass'(1). 8 (in card games, whist and bridge) card of highest value, eg 10, knave, queen, king, ace of trumps, (惠斯特及桥牌等牌戏中)价値最高的牌(王牌之 10, J, Q, K, A)。




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