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(指台州) short for Taizhou (in Zhejiang Province)
另见 see also tái。

❽、Ⅱ 臺、Ⅰ

Ⅰ ❶ (平而高的建筑物) tower: 塔 ~ control tower; 了望 ~ observation [lookout] tower
❷ (高出地面便于讲话或表演的设备) platform; stage; stand: 演讲 ~ rostrum; 舞 ~ stage; 乐队演奏 ~ a band stand; 下不了 ~ unable to extricate oneself from an awkward position; unable to get off the spot; be embarrassed; be put on the spot
❸ (某些做座子用的器物) stand; pedestal; support: 蜡 ~ candlestick; 火箭发射 ~ missile launching stand [pad]
❹(像台的东西) anything shaped like a platform or stage: 窗 ~ window ̄ sill; 擂 ~ arena; 锅 ~ the top of a kitchen range
❺ (桌子或类似桌子的器物) table; desk: 梳妆 ~ dressing table; 写字 ~ writing desk
❻ (台湾的简称) short for Taiwan Province
❼ (指广播电台) broadcasting station: 中央人民广播电 ~ the Central People's Broadcasting Station; 电视 ~ television broadcasting station
❽ (指电话台) a special telephone service: 长途 ~ trunk call service; toll board; long distance; 查号 ~ directory inquiries; information
❾ (旧时称对方的敬辞) term of respectful address (in ancient times): 兄 ~ you; ~ 驾 your presence
❿ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 晖 Tai Hui
⓫ (台风) typhoon Ⅱ : 一 ~ 机器 a machine; 一 ~ 戏 a theatrical performance
另见 see also tāi。
◆台秤 platform scale; platform balance; 台词 actor's lines; dialogue; 台灯 desk lamp; table lamp; reading lamp; 台儿庄会战 the Tai-er-zhuang battle (1938); 台风 {气} typhoon; 台阶 footstep; step; altar; bench; {讯} pedestal sit; {矿} open pit bench; an opportunity to extricate oneself from an awkward position; 台历 desk calendar;
台面 mesa; table top; flats;
台面呢 {纺} baize; 台球 billiards; billiard ball; [方] table tennis; ping-pong; snooker; 台扇 desk fan; 台田 raised fields; platform fields; 台湾 Taiwan (a province in the PRC);“台湾独立运动” “Independent Taiwan Movement”; 台湾民主自治同盟 Taiwan Democratic Self-government League





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