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单词 appreciation
释义 appreciation /a.prufi'eifn; s,pri/i'e/sn/ n 1 [C, U] (statement giving) judgement, valuation: 鉴识; 判断; 评价; 欣赏; 评论; 批评: Write an ~ of a new symphony. 写一篇评论一首新交响乐的文章。 She showed little or no ~ of good music. 她对于好音乐毫无欣赏的能力。 2 [U] proper understanding and recognition: 适切的了解与认知; 激赏; 感激: in sincere ~ of your valuable help. 对于你宝贵的帮助由衷感激。 3 [U] rise in value, eg of land, business shares. (如土地,股票等之)增值; 涨价。 appreciative /a'prijiativ; a'pnfizetiv/ adj feeling or showing ~ (2): 欣赏的; 表现出欣赏能力的; 赏识的; 感激的: an appreciative audience; 有欣赏能力的听众; appreciative of kindness. 感激恩惠。 appreciatively /a'prkjjativii; s'pri/ietivli/ adv




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