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单词 背城一战

背城一战背城而战bèi chéng yī zhàn

backs to the wall; fight to the last ditch; fight a battle with the city at one’s back
❍ 我主张今晚上拼命,拼命去发动,明天再冲厂! ~! (茅盾《子夜》459) I suggest we go out tonight and make a great effort to mobilize as many girls as possible to break into the factories again tomorrow! Backs to the wall this time!/他觉得此时我们一补进,就是前功尽弃;他主张~! (茅盾《子夜》555) He’s afraid that if we cover now,it’ll mean that all our work will have been wasted. He’s for fighting to the last ditch!/求曰: “若不可,则君无出,一子帅师,背城而战。”(《左传·哀十一年》1768) Ran Qiu said,“If this cannot be done,then let not our rules go forth,but let one of you three lead the army,and fight a battle with the city at their backs.





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