单词 | hold |
释义 | hold1 /hsuld; hold/ vt, vi (pt, pp held) /held; held/ (For uses with adverbial particles and preps, Q 14 below.) (与副词接语及介词连用的用法,参看下列第 14 义。) 1 [VP6A, 15A, B] have or keep in one's possession, keep fast or steady, in or with the hand(s), arm(s) or other part of the body, eg the teeth, or with a tool: 执住; 握住; 抓紧; 拿住: The girl was ~ing her father's hand. 那安孩德住她父亲的手。 They held hands/held each other's hands. 他 ih 互相握住手。 She held me by the sleeve. 她抓住我的袖子。 She was ~ing up an umbrella. 她打着雨伞。 He held the knife in his teeth as he climbed the tree. 他爬树时用牙齿叼着刀子。 ~ the line, keep a telephone connection (eg while the person at the other end goes away to find sth or sb), 不把电话挂断; 继续维持通话。 also baby, brief,(1), pistol. 2 [VP6A, 15A, B] restrain; keep back; control: 压疝; 阻止; 抑制; 控制 j: The police held back the crowd. 书察阻止了春众。 It took three of us to ~ the madman. 我们三个人合力制住那个风子。 Try to ~ the thief until the police arrive. 设法制住那小偷, 等警察到来。 He held his attacker at arm’s, length. 他把攻击者阻止在一臂之外。 The dam gave way; it was not strong enough to ~ the flood waters. 水壕坍塌了; 它不够坚固, 挡不住洪水。 ~ ones breath, eg from excitement or fear: (例如因兴奋或恐惧而)屏息: The watchers held their breath as the acrobat crossed the tightrope. 当卖 ■ 艺者走过绣索时, 观众都屏息。 ~ (one-s) fire, stop shooting for a time. 停火。 ~ one's tongue/peace. be quiet. 缄默; 住孱。 There is no ~ing sb/sth, It is impossible to restrain or control him/it: 无法约束或控制某人(某事物): There was no ~ing her, eg because she was so determined or high-spirited. 没有办法阻止她(例如因为她太坚决或太高兴)。 3 [VP15A, B, 2C] keep or maintain sb/sth in a specified position, manner, attitude or relation-ship: 使某人或某物保持特定位置,态度,姿势或关系: H~ your head up. 把你的头抬起来。 H~ your arms up/ out. 把你的手臂举起来(伸出来 H~ yourself still for a moment while I take your photograph. 我给你拍照的那一刹那,你不要动。 ~ oneself in readiness (for), be prepared (for sth, an emergency). 准备好(做某事,应付紧急事件)。 ~ one's sides with laughter, laugh heartily. 捧腹大笑。 4 [VP6A] maintain a grip of: 抓紧; 握牵: This new car ~s the road well/has good road- ~ing qualities, is stable, eg when cornering at speed, 部新汽塞很稳(例如在快速转弯时)。 5 [VP6A] support; bear the weight of: 支持; 承受重量: This nail won't ~ such a heavy mirror. 这钉子支持不住这样重的镜子。 Come down—that branch won't ~ yoU 下来 — 那树枝承受不了你的重量! 6 [VP6A] be fUled by; have the capacity to contain or accommodate: 装; 盛; 能够容两: Will this suitcase ~ all your clothes? 这衣箱能装得下你所有的衣服吗? This barrel ~s 25 litres. 这桶能装 25 公升。 What does the future ~ for us? 我何豚来的命运如何? /fe (= has) strange views on religion. 他对宗教持有奇怪的看法。 ~ sth in one's head, retain, not forget, eg a mass of details, statistics. 牢记; 记得(细节,统计数字等)。 (not) ~ water, (not) be sound, valid, logical: 站得住(站不住); (不)正确; (不)合乎黑辑: Your argument doesn't ~ water. 你的论点站不住。 7 [VP6A, 22] keep the interest or attention of: 维持兴趣或注意力: The speaker held his audience spellbound. 演说者使听众听得入迷。 8 [VP9, 15A, B, 22, 25] consider; regard; believe; affirm: 认为; 视为; 相信; 确定: ~ a man to be a fool/ ~ that he is foolish; 认为某人是傻子; ~ the view that a plan is/ ~ a plan to be impracticable. 认为某计划不切实际。 The President is not held in great respect. 那位总统并不十分受人尊敬。 He does not ~ himself responsible for his wife's debts. 他并不认为他应该对妻子的债务负责。 ~ sb in high/low esteem, have a high/low regard for him. 非常(不很)尊敬某人。 ~ sth dear/cheap, place a high/low value on it: 重视(不重视)某事物: He ~s his reputation dear. 他重视他的名誉。 9 [VP6A] defend; keep possession of: 保畚; 保为: They held the fort against all attacks. 仙们坚寺那堡垒,抵抚所有的进攻。 ~ the fort, (fig) be in charge during sb's absence: (喻)当某人不在时,代理职掌: Jane had to ~ the fort (be in charge of the house) while her mother was in hospital. 在她母亲住医院期间,珍只好代理持家。 ~ one's ground, stand firm, not retreat: 坚守阵地; 不撤退: Our soldiers held their ground bravely. 我们兵士英勇地坚守阵地。 —one's own, not give way: 坚持立场; 不让步: The patient is still ~ing his own, maintaining his strength. 那病人仍然在支撑着。 Mr Green held his own, eg in a debate, maintained his position (bv arguing well). 格林先生坚持自己立场(例如在辩论中,立蓄精辟)。 10 [VP6A] be the legal owner or possessor of: 保有; 拥有: ~ shares/stock. 保有股会(股票)。 land—er at land (6). share ~ er at share1 (3), stock ~ er at stock (5). 11 [VP6A] occupy; have the position of: 占看; 在位: The Social Democrats held office then, were the government. 当时是社会民主党执政。 Hence, 由此产生, Office-~er. 12 [VP6A] have; conduct; cause to take place: 皋行: ~ a meeting/debate/examination. 举行会 n (辩论,考试 We ~ a General Election every four or five years. 我们每四年或五年举行大选。 The Motor Show is usually held in October. 汽车展览会通常在十月举行。 ~ court, (fig) entertain, welcome, admirers: (喻)接待敬慕者: a film-star ~ing court at London Airport. 一位电影明星在伦敦机场接待影迷。 → court (2). 13 [VP2A, D] remain unbroken, unchanged, secure, under strain, pressure, etc. (在紧张,压力等下)不破; 不变; 安全。 0 5 above, 参看上列第 5 义。 How long will the anchor ~, stay fast in the sea bed? 这锚会固定在海底多久? How long will this fine weather continue? 这好天气将继续多久? cbreak'(5). The argument still ~s (good/true), is still valid. 这论据仍旧有效。 14 [VP15B, 3A, 2C, 14] (uses with adverbial particles and preps; for non-idiomatic uses c1, 2. 3 above): (与副词接语及介词连用的用法; 非习惯语用法参看上列第 1, 2, 3 义): hold sth against sb. allow sth to influence one's opinions adversely: 由于受某事的影响而对某人持不好的看法 Don't ~ his criminal convictions against him. 不要因为他判过刑而对他存偏见。 hold (oneself) aloof,。aloof. hold back, hesitate; show unwillingness: 踌躇; 退缩: Buyers are ~ing back, making few or no offers. 买主们不愿出价。 When danger came, no one held back. 危险来到时,无人退缩。 ~ sb/sth back, a 0 2 above. 参看上列第 2 义。 b hinder the progress of: 阻碍; 阻止: His poor education is ~ing him back. 他的教育程度差阻碍了他的发展。 c keep secret or to oneself: 隐而不宣; 不公开: ~ back information. 隐藏着消息不宣布。 hold sb/sth down, a 3 above. 参看上列第 3 义。 b oppress; keep down or under: 控制; 危制: rulers who ~ the people down, oppress them. K 迫人民的统治者。 We must ~ (=keep) prices down. 我们必须抑低物价。 ~ a job down, (colloq) keep it by proving one's capabilities, (fg) 表现才能而保持住职位。 hold forth, speak rather pompously, as if in public. 高谈阔论。 ~ sth forth. (~ sth out, below is preferred) offer; propose. 提供; 提议 (hold sth out 较常用)。 hold sth in, check; restrain: 抑制; 压抑: ~ in one's temper; 抑制自己的脾气; ~ oneself in, control one's feelings, eg of indignation. 压抑自己的感情(例如愤慨)。 hold off, a remain at a distance: 保持距离: The storm held off. 风暴滞留在远处。 Will the rain ~ off until after the picnic? 雨会延缓到野餐之后下吗? b delay action: 延搁行动: H~ off for a minute. 延分鹤。 ~ sb/sth off. keep at a distance: 使保持距离: H~ your dog off! 赶开你的狗! His cold manner ~s (better keeps) people off, deters them from trying to be friendly. 他的亩淡态度使人不敢亲近(用 keeps 较佳)。 hold on, a stand firm when there is danger, difficulty, etc: 坚定: How much longer do they think we can ~ 他们以为我们还能支持多久? b (usu imper) stop: (M常作祈使用法)停止: H~ on a minute! Not so fast! Don't go further in what you're doing. 停一停! ~ on to. a keep one's grip on; not let go of: 抓住; 不放手: ~ on to one's hat on a windy day. 在大风的日子抓住自己的帽子。 The boy held on to the bush until someone climbed down the cliff to rescue him. 这男孩抓住那矮树,直到有人爬下悬崖去救他 - b not give up the ownership of: 不放弃拥有; 不出让: You should ~ on to your oil shares. 你虑该掌握你的石油股份。 ~ sth on, keep in position: 使固更: These bolts and nuts ~ the wheels on. 这些螺栓及螺帽使轮子固定。 hold out, a maintain resistance; not give way: 抵抗; 不退让: How long can we ~ outigainst these attacks? 我们对这些攻击能抵抗多久? b last: 维持; 继续: How long will our food supplies ~ out? 我们的贮粮还能维持多久? can't ~ out (= retain my urine) much longer—I must find a toilet. 我内冬不能再久等了 —— 我必须找个厕所。~。 for, continue to demand: 继续要求; 坚持: The workers are still ~ing out for higher wages, insisting on being granted their demands. 工人们仍旧坚持更高工资。 ~ out on, refuse to deal with: 拒绝与…来往: He's still ~ing out on me, still opposing my wishes, refusing my request. 他仍然拒绝跟我来往。 ~ sb/sth out. a 3 above. 参看上列第 3 义。 b offer: 给予: The doctors ~ out little hope of recovery. 医生们认为痊愈的希望甚微。 hold sth over, defer; postpone; adjourn: 延搁; 延期; 休会: The matter was held over until the next meeting. 此事被延至下次会议解决。 ~ sth over sb, use it as a threat: 以某事要胁某人: He's ~ing my past record over me. 他用我过去的记录威胁我。 hold to sth, a remain loyal or steadfast to: 忠实; 坚定: He held to his convictions/choice/ course of action. 他忠于他的信仰(抉择,行动方针)。 b keep to: 遵行: The ship held to a Southerly course. 那艘船遵行南方航线。 ~ sb to sth, make sb keep, eg a promise: 使某人遵守(诺言等): We must ~ the contractors to their estimates, not allow them to exceed them. 我们一定要承旭孺遵守他们的估价。 ~ sb (up) to ransom, demand money by threatening penalties, etc; blackmail: 以处罚等作威胁而索取金钱; 勒索; 敲诈: Those strikers were not ~ing the country (up) to ransom. 那些罢工者并不是在向全国敲诈。 O ransom. hold together, a be and continue whole: 在一起; 成一整体: The body work of this old car hardly ~s together, is falling apart, eg from rust. 这幕旧汽车的车身由于生锈等几乎要脱落开了。 b remain united: 团结一起: We Tories always ~ together in times of crisis. 我们保守党党员在危急时期永远团结在一起。 ~ sb/sth together, cause to remain together; unite: 使结合在一起; 使团结: The country needs a leader who will ~ the nation together. 那国家需要一个能使全国团结的领袖。 hold sb/sth up. a 1. 2 above. 参看上列第 1, 2 义。(bj delay: 延搁; 阻稀: They were held up by fog/the immigration authorities. 他们为雾(移民当局)所延搁。 c stop by the use or threat of force, for the purpose of robbery: 拦路抢劫: The travellers were held up by bandits. 旅客遭强盗拦翅。 Hence, 由此产生,' ~ up n a ~ up on the Underground, eg by a power failure; 地下火车运输因为停电等的延搁; a bank ~ up, eg one by armed robbers. 银行被持械强盗等抢劫。 d put forward as an example: 举出作为例证: Don't ~ me up as a model husband. 不要拿我作为模范丈夫的例子。 ~ sb up to derision / scorn / ridicule, expose him to deformed to hold the shares of subsidiary companies. 股权公司 (控制附属公司股份的公司) 。 rision, etc. 嘲笑某人。 hold with sth, approve of: 赞成某事: Do you ~ with nudity on the stage? 你赞成演员在舞台上裸体么? |
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