凹āoⅠ (比周围低) concave;hollow;sunken;dented:~ 凸不平 full of bumps and holes;uneven; 人的手掌是微 ~ 的。 The palm of one's hand is slightly concave. Ⅱ (向内陷进去) cave in;dent;sink:路 ~ 下去了。 The road caved in. 汽车的发动机罩已 ~了进去。 The car hood was dented in. 他的眼睛[面颊] ~ 下去了。 His eyes [cheeks] have sunk in. 另见 see also wā。 ◆凹版 {刷} intaglio;gravure; 凹槽 indentation;fillister;flute; fluting;notch;groove;trough;recess;beard (钩针的);open-joint; 凹雕 intaglio;hollow relief;diaglyph;diaglyphic work;cavetto; 凹痕 indenture;pitting;pit;doke;dent;dimple;cave; 凹镜 concave mirror; 凹坑 pit;{冶} steel pit; 凹模 die; 凹凸 concave-convex; 凹陷 hollow;sunken;depressed;pit;inflection;swayback;deboss;sag;dished;thumbmark (禽类单冠边上的);subside;depression;downwarp;indentation; 凹形 spill; 凹印 gravure; 凹字 characters cut in bas-relief
凹wā (凹陷的地方, 用于地名) low-lying area; depression ( used in place names): 核桃 ~ Hetaowa (in Shanxi Province) 另见 see also āo。 |