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单词 system
释义 system /'sistam; 'sistom/ n 1 group of things or parts working together in a regular relation: 系统: the 'nervous ~; 神经系统; the di'gestive; 消彳匕系统; a 'railway 铁路系统. The poison has passed into his ~, his body as a whole. 毒药 |_1 进入他的 16 内。 Too much alcohol is bad for the ~. 眼酒太有吿身体。 2 ordered set of ideas, theories, principles, etc: (思,想、理论、原则亨的) 体系; 体制; 制度; 方式; 方法。a ~ of philosophy; 哲学体系; a ~ of government; 政府体制; 政体; a good ~ of teaching languages; 教授语言的良好方法; ' ~- building/' ~-built houses, built of prefabricated sections, put together on the site. 系统建筑 (系统建筑的房屋); 预筑 (预筑房屋) 。 3 [U] orderliness: .秩序; 规律: You mustn't expect good results if you work without ~. 如果你工作不讲究先后秩序,你休想有好的结果。 ~ atic / (Sista'maetik; ySista'maetik/ adj methodical; based on a ~: 有方法的; 有系统的; 有体系的; 基于制度、系统等的; 按照法式的: a ~ atic attempt. 有计丘的行为。 atically /-kh; -kli/ adv atize /'sistsmstaiz; 'A8tsms,tsir/ vt [VP6A] arrange according to a ~ ; make into a ~ .系获化; 体系化; 做成制度。 ~ ati za tkm /.sistsmatai-'zeijn US: -ti'z-; ySistamati'zeJan/ n




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