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Ⅰ ❶ (人或动物体内接近皮的部分的柔韧物质) meat; flesh: 肥 ~ fat meat; fat; 牛 ~ beef; ~ 制品 meat products; 瘦 ~ lean meat; 羊 ~ mutton; 这 ~ 已变质了。 The meat has gone bad.
❷ (某些瓜果里可以吃的部分) pulp; flesh (of fruit): 桂圆 ~ longan pulp; 果 ~ pulp of fruit Ⅱ [方] ❶ (不脆; 不酥) spongy: 这西瓜瓤儿太 ~ 了。 The pulp of this watermelon is too spongy.
❷ (性子缓慢; 动作迟钝) slow (in movement); sluggish: ~ 得慌 so slow as to make one despair
◆肉饼 meat pie; 肉搏 fight hand-to-hand; close quarter fighting; 肉苁蓉 {中药} Cistanche salsa; saline cistanche; 肉店 butcher's (shop); 肉丁 diced meat; 肉冻 jelly; aspic; galantine; galatine; meat jelly; 肉豆蔻 {中药} Myristica fragrans; nutmeg; muskatel; 肉感 sensuality; sensual appeal; 肉冠 {动} comb; 肉桂 {植} Cinnamomum cassia; Chinese cassia tree; cassiabarktree; feathering; cinnamon; 肉果 nutmeg; 肉红 pinkish red; 肉类 meat; 肉瘤 {医} sarcoma; sarcoid; 肉麻 nauseating; sickening; disgusting; 肉末 minced meat; ground meat; 肉牛 beef (pl. beefs; beeves; beef); 肉排 rib; steak; 肉皮 pork skin; 肉片 fillet; sliced meat; 肉色 flesh; incarnadine; carneose; carneous; carneus; yellowish pink; 肉身 {佛教} the human body;
肉食 carnivorous;
肉食 meat; creoph ̄ agism; creophagy; 肉丝 shredded meat; 肉松 dried meat floss; 肉汤 broth; porridge; [现主苏格兰] bree; [方] brewis; jusculum; bouillon; 肉体 the human body; flesh; 肉丸子 quenelle; meatball; 肉馅 meat stuffing; chopped meat; ground meat; 肉芽 granulation; granul-; granuli-; granulo-; 肉眼 naked eye; 肉用鸡 fryer; frier; 肉欲 carnal desire; 肉汁 gravy; myoserum; (meat) juice; 肉中刺 a thorn in one's flesh; the most hated person or thing; 肉孜节 Id al-fitr; 肉赘 sycoma; wart; verruca







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