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单词 赤璧鏖兵

赤璧鏖兵chì bì áo bīng

fight the matter out as at the Battle of Chibi [Red Cliff] in ancient China- a typical battle in which a small army defeated an enemy which is far more superior in number
❍ 凡有学生闹事的学校,不要放假,硬是来它一场~。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—353) Where students make troubles,don't give the school a vacation but fight the matter out as at the Battle of Chibi in ancient times.
❍ ~用火攻,运筹决策尽皆同。(《三国演义)414) In Red Wall's fight they used the flame,| The strategy here will be the same.
❍ ~之后,操闻之而胆裂,何况张鲁乎?(《三国演义》518) Cao Cao was simply overwhelmed at the result of the battle at Red Wall and Zhang Lu more so.





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更新时间:2025/3/14 19:40:01