肃(肅)sùⅠ ❶ (恭敬) respectful ❷ (严肃) solemn: 严 ~ solemn; serious; grave Ⅱ (肃清) eliminate; clean up; mop up Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 仲 Su Zhong ◆肃反 [简] elimination of counterrevolutionaries; 肃静 solemn silence; solemn and silent; 肃立 stand as a mark of respect; 肃穆 solemn and respectful; 肃清 eliminate; clean up; mop up; root out; 肃然 respectful; 肃然起敬 register profound respect; arouse admiration; be filled with (a feeling of) deep veneration; feel (great) respect for sb.; hold in awe; hold sb. in high respect; stand in respect [veneration] of (sb.); stand respectfully before sb.; 肃杀之气 an awful atmosphere |