释义 |
聪明伶俐cōng míng líng lìclever and tricky;knowing and able;cute;quick and bright;sagacious;smart ❍ 你既是~,却不道“长嫂为母”。(《水浒全传》289)YOR are clever and tricky,but do you not know your elder sister-in-law is in a mother's position to you. ❍ 原来这乐和是一个~的人。(《水浒全传》617) Now this Yue He was indeed a knowing and an able man. ❍ 张都监指着玉兰对武松道:“此女颇有些~,善知音律,极能针指……”(《水浒全传》364) Then General Zhang pointed to Jade Orchid and he said to Wu Song“This woman has a little cleverness of sorts,for not only does she know a great many pieces of music but she sews very well also.…”/你又是这样一个极~的人,不用一年工夫,不愁不是诗翁了。(《红楼梦》598)In less than a year's time,with your intelligence,you can count on becoming a poet. 聪明伶俐cōnɡ mínɡ línɡ lì智力发达,记忆和理解力很强,非常灵活。be clever and sensible,be clever and quick-witted |