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单词 耿耿于怀

耿耿于怀耿耿于心gěng gěng yú huái

brood on (an injury/one’s neglected duty); deeply con cerned at heart; nurse a grudge; stick in one’s throat;take sth to heart
❍ 虽然他行动上好像已经接受了他们的批评,但他还是~。Although he acted as if he had accepted their criticism,he still took the matter to heart.
❍ 世妹乃守理淑嫒,其病非别有邪思,不过因感恩积慕,终身大事,耿耿于心。(《野叟曝言》三十七)As a kind and gentle girl who abides by reason,she has fallen ill not because of any evil thought,but because of her gratitude and admiration in marriage,being deeply concerned at heart.


nurse a grievance;bear a grudge;take sth to heart;brood on (one’s neglected duty,etc)
种族歧视问题仍为国际社会所~。The problems of racial discrimination continue to preoccupy the international community./20年来,他对此事一直~。He has nursed a grudge over the matter for two decades.or:20years have passed,but he still has it on his mind.

耿耿于怀ɡěnɡ ɡěnɡ yú huái

心里老是想着某件事情,而不能忘怀。take sth. to heart, nurse a grudge, take sth. hard, bear sb. a grudge





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