释义 |
耳鬓厮磨ěr bìn sī móear to ear and temple to temple—[of a boy and a girl] have close childhood friendship; be intimate (/be on good terms/have close association) with sb during childhood ❍ 况从幼时起和黛玉~,心情相对。(《红楼梦》353) Since childhood,moreover,he had been intimate with Daiyu,finding her a kindred spirit. ❍ 司棋一把拉住,哭道: “我的姐姐!咱们从小儿~,你不曾拿我当外人待,我也不敢怠慢了你……” (《红楼梦》932) Siqi caught Yuanyang by the arm,“Sister,we’ve been on good terms since we were children,” she sobbed,“You’ve never treated me as an outsider,and I’ve always respected you…”/宝玉思及当时姊妹,~,从今一别,纵得相逢,少不得似先前这等亲热了。(《红楼梦》1041) Baoyu reflected that he and his girl cousins had always been together,but were they to meet again after this separation they could not be as intimate as before. 耳鬓厮磨ěr bìn sī mó鬓:指面颊旁的头发;厮:互相。比喻亲密相处。close association during childhood, ear to ear and temple to temple, have close with sb. during children, have close childhood friendship |