将(將)jiānɡⅠ ❶ [书] (搀扶;领;带) support;take;bring: ~ 幼弟而归 bring home one's little brother; 相 ~ 而去 go off supporting each other ❷ (保养) take care of (one's health): ~ 养 rest;recuperate ❸ (做事) do sth.;handle (a matter): 慎重 ~事 handle a matter with care ❹ (下象棋时攻击对方的“将”或“帅”) check: ~ 死 checkmate ❺ (出难题为难) put sb. on the spot: 我们这一问可把他 ~ 住了。 Our question certainly put him on the spot. ❻ (用语言刺激) incite sb. to action;challenge;prod: 他已拿定主意不参加比赛了,你再 ~ 他也没有用。It's no use egging him on;he's made up his mind not to join in the tournament. 他只需几句话一 ~,就会干。 Just a few words will incite him into action. ❼ [书] (前进) move forward;advance: 日就月 ~ with steady progress from day to day and from month to month;make steady and continual progress ❽ [书] (送) give a send-off to: 百两 ~ 之 dispatch a hundred chariots to escort her ❾ (将要) be going to;be about to;will;shall;be ready to: 必 ~ 取得更大的胜利 be certain to win still greater victories; 船 ~ 启碇。 The ship is about to weigh anchor. 据气象预报,明晨 ~ 有霜冻。 According to the weather forecast,frost is expected tomorrow morning. 秋天她 ~ 回到家里。 She'll be home by autumn. Ⅱ ❶ (拿;用,多见于成语) with;by means of;by: 恩 ~ 仇报 repay kindness with ingratitude ❷ (把): ~ 门关上 shut the door;~ 某人捉拿归案 bring sb. to justice;~ 书合上 close the book;~ 利润汇回本国 transfer home the profits;~ 正式文件送达被告 serve a formal legal document on the defendant;~ 几项诉讼合并判决 merger of the clain in the judgement Ⅲ (叠用,表示“又”、“且”的意思) partly ... partly ...: ~ 信 ~ 疑 half believing,half doubting Ⅳ [方] (用在动词和“进来、进去”等表示趋向的补语中间): 唱 ~ 起来 start to sing; 传 ~ 出去 (of news,etc.) spread abroad; 赶 ~ 上去 hurry to catch up; 走 ~ 进去 get into (the room) Ⅴ (姓氏) a surname: ~ Jiang Chu 另见 see also jiànɡ;qiānɡ。 ◆将本求利 make money with one's capital; 将才 just now;a moment ago;a very short time ago; 将错就错 make the best of a bad bargain; 将功补过 make amends for previous faults by some good services;atone for one's past crimes; 将功赎罪 make amends for one's crimes by good deeds;redeem sins by good deeds; 将功折罪 make up for one's error;atone for a crime by meritorious service; 将计就计 turn sb.'s trick to one's own use;meet one's scheme for another;use sb.'s plan for one's own; 将近 close to;nearly;almost;approximate (to);toward(s);be on the verge of; 将就 make do with;make the best of;put up with; 将军 general;admiral;check;put sb. on the spot;embarrass;challenge; 将来 (in the) future; 将勤补绌 make up for lack of skill by application; 将心比心 feel for others;judge another person's feelings by one's own;compare oneself to another; 将信将疑 half-believe in ...;do not believe entirely; 将要 will;shall;be about to;be going to; 将欲取之,必先与之 Give in order to take.
将(將)jiànɡⅠ ❶ (将官;将领) general: 大 ~ senior general;high-ranking officer; 良 ~ a good general;~ 在外,君命有所不受。 A general in the field is not bound by orders from his sovereign. ❷ (统兵者,象棋中的主棋) commander in chief,the chief piece in Chinese chess Ⅱ [书] (带兵) command;lead: ~ 兵 command troops 另见 see also jiānɡ;qiānɡ。 ◆将才 talent as a field commander; 将官 general; 将令 (军令) orders issued by a commanding general; 将门虎子 a capable young man from a distinguished family; 将士 [书] officers and men; 将相 generals and ministers of state;military and political leaders; 将骁兵锐 The leaders are full of spirit and the men full of energy.; 将校 general officers and field-grade officers;high-ranking military officer;[美] brass; 将遇良才 find [meet] one's match;a Roland for an Oliver; 将在外君命有所不受 A field commander must decide even against king's orders.
将(將)qiānɡ [书] (愿; 请) ask; appeal for: ~ 伯 ask for assistance; ~ 子无怒。 Please don't be angry with me. 另见 see also jiānɡ; jiànɡ。 ◆将伯之助 ask for assistance; the one gets from another |