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单词 hay
释义 hay /hex; he/ n [U] grass cut and dried for use as animal food. 秣; 干草 (用作牲口食料 ) omake hay. turn it over for exposure to the sun; 翻草让日晒以制干草; (hence) (由此产生) 'hay-maker, 'hay-making nn make hay of. throw into confusion. 使混乱; 弄乱。 make, hay while the 'sun shines, (prov) make the earliest use of one's opportunities. (茜) 把握时机。 'haycock n cone-shaped pile of hay in a field, to be carted away when dry. 圆锥形之干草堆 (干后以备用车运走) 。 'hay fever n [U] disease affecting the nose and throat, caused by pollen or dust. 花粉热 (由植物花粉或尘埃引起感染鼻与喉的病) 。 'hay-fork n long-handled two-pronged fork for turning and lifting hay. 干草叉。 'hayrick,, haystack n large pile of hay firmly packed for storing, with a pointed or ridged top. 美干草堆 (顶端呈尖形或拱起,贮以备用) 。 haywire n [U] wire for tying up bales of hay. 细干草束用的金属线。匚) pred adj (colloq) out of order; excited or distracted. (俗) 紊乱的; 狂乱的。 go haywire, (of persons) become distraught; (of sth, eg a plan) become badly disorganised. (指人) 狂乱; (指事物,例如一计划) 紊乱。




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