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单词 老当益壮

老当益壮lǎo dāng yì zhuàng

become rejuvenated;have a green old age; old but vigorous; old in age,but young (/buoyant) in spirit; old yet active
❍ 剑波朝着这两位坚守职务的老森铁员工,伸了一下大拇指头,“真英雄,~。” (曲波《林海雪原》225) Jianbo gazed at the two faithful old railway workers and stuck up an admiring thumb. “Old warriors but young in spirit.”


be old but vigorous


old but vigorous; all the more aspiring in old age; be inspire despite old age
~,宁移白首之心;穷且益坚,不坠青云之志。(王勃 《滕王阁序》)Age should make one stronger,and it should by no means change the mind of the white-haired;The more difficult the circumstances,the firmer the will(or the more determined and aspiring).(Preface to the Poem on Pavilion of Prince Teng by Wang Bo)

老当益壮lǎo dànɡ yì zhuànɡ

当:应该;益:更加;壮:雄壮。原指年纪大了,志气应该更壮。现多指人虽老了,但干劲更大。old but vigorous, have a green old age, old in age but young in spirit, gain vigour with age, more vigorous with age





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