释义 |
codpiecen. 1. bag-like flap at the front of men’s breeches(15、16世纪西欧男子所穿的短裤前面的)袋状悬垂附件,裤兜子。 △Ado. 3. 3. 145(137): “his codpiece seems as massyas his club”,他那裤裆(又译:他裤裆里的那话儿)就像他手持的棍棒一样粗壮。 △Gent.2.7.53:“You must needs havethem with a codpiece. madam.”小姐,你的裤裆前面也得有个兜儿才成。 2. baggy appendage at the front of breeches.i.e.men凸裆裤,(比喻)男人。 △L.L.L.3.1.194 (184): “Dread prince of plackets,king of codpieces.” 主管裙钗的大统领,管辖凸裆裤的国王。(另译:受到天下痴男怨女敬畏的大王。)3. (lit.) bag-like flap in front of a man’s close-fittinghose. to cover the penis. (hence) the penis itself 旧时男人紧身裤裆前面遮掩阳具的一块袋状悬片;(转义)阳具本身。 △Lr.3.2.27: “The cod-piece that will house/Be-fore the head has any.” (Cf. the proverb:“Beforethou marry,be sure of a house wherein to tarry.”) 脑袋还没有找到房子,那玩意儿倒先有了住处。 |