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单词 群众


人民~有无限的创造力。The masses have boundless creative power./~生产,~利益,~经验,~情绪,这些都是领导干部们应时刻注意的。Production by the masses,the interests of the masses,the experiences and feelings of the masses—to these the leading cadres should pay constant attention./~是真正的英雄。The masses are the real heroes./从~中来,到~中去from the masses,to the masses/得到~的拥护和信任enjoy the support and trust of the masses/动员~arouse(or mobilize)the masses/坚定地相信~的大多数have firm faith in the great majority of the people/倾听~意见listen to what people at the grass root have to say/走~路线follow the mass line/非党~nonParty people/~大会mass rally (or meeting)/~的首创精神creativity of the general public/~的思想动态ideological trends among the masses/~工作mass work/~观点差lack a strong mass viewpoint/~关系one’s relationship (or ties) with the popular masses/~关心的突出问题outstanding problem of great concern to the general public/~呼声appeal of the masses/~化的方式method that appeals to the masses/~基础mass base;groundwork laid among the masses/~监督surveillance by the masses /~来信来访letters and visits from people/~体育amateur sports/~体育设施public-oriented sports facilities /~体育运动mass sports activities /~条件好good mass base/~团体(组织)mass or ganization/~卫生活动sanitation activities of a mass character;mass sanitation activities/~文化事业mass cultural undertakings/~心理mass psychology/~性of a mass character;mass/~性的探索an exploratory undertaking by the masses/~性精神文明创建活动popular participation in building spiritual civilization;mass activities to promote cultural and ethical progress/~性自治组织self-governing mass organization/~运动mass movement;mass campaign/~意愿the popular will/~组织mass organization





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