vergen. rim,circle. ring or circle of metal圆边,圆圈,金属圆边或圆圈。 hallowed verge: magic circle. charmed circle魔圈。 △ 1 . 4 . 24 (21 ): “Whom we raise / We will make fast within a hallowed verge.” 我们所召唤来的鬼魂.我们会把他们牢牢禁闭在 一个魔圈里。 inclusive verge: enclosing circle,i.e. the crown 王冠。 △R . I I I . 4 . 1 . 58: “O would to God that the inclusive verge / Of golden metal that must round my brow /Were red-hot steel. to sear me to the brains. ”啊,但愿帝使那 一定要套在我头上的金箍变成火红的钢圈,把我的脑浆烧焦吧。 verge[və:dӠ]n.边缘,界限 ◇ on the verge of 接近于 |