释义 |
罪大恶极zuì dà è jíbe guilty of the most heinous(/monstrous/atrocious/perpetrating) crimes;criminal and wicked in the extreme ❍ 该犯~,血债累累,现潜神河庙,假冒道人,进行联络土匪、阴谋叛乱,死心塌地进行反革命特务活动。(曲波《林海雪原》383)Song has committed many atrocious crimes. He is now disguised as a Taoist priest in the River Spirit Monastery where he maintains contact with the bandits,plots insurrections,and fanatically engages in counter-revolutionary activities and espionage. ❍ 枪毙~的大渔霸陈占鳌! (黎汝清《海岛女民兵》60)Shoot the heinous criminal and despot Chen Zhanao!/那些~的土豪劣绅、恶霸、反革命,你说杀不杀呀? 要杀。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—317) Should the local tyrants and evil gentry,despots and counter-revo lutionaries who have committed heinous crimes be put to death? Yes,they should. ❍ 剑波听了群众的控诉和议论,心中思量了一会儿,这两个匪徒~,应该得到惩办。(曲波《林海雪原》521) After hearing of their monstrous crimes,Jianbo decided these fiends only got what was coming to them. ❍ 在“三反”、“五反”运动开始不久,有个别~的贪污犯被判处了死刑,……(爱新觉罗·溥仪《我的前半生》434) Soon after the beginning of these movements I had read of the executions of some monstrously corrupt men. ❍ 在老洪杀高胖子的那天晚上,王强和李正各带了一个分队,在湖边一带的其他村庄,由冯老头指点着,也杀了一批通敌有据,~的坏蛋。(知侠《铁道游击队》326) The night Fatty Gao met his just deserts,Wang Qiang and Li Zheng,each leading a squad and guided by Old Feng,visited some other villages by the lake. There they finished off a number of traitors,whose collusion with the enemy in per petrating criminal deeds had been verified. 罪大恶极be guilty of the worst(or most heinous)crimes ~的内战祸首arch-criminal who started the civil war and committed most heinous crimes/~分子arch-criminal guilty of heinous crimes 罪大恶极zuì dà è jí形容罪恶大到了极点。be guilty of the most heinous crimes, criminal and wicked in the extreme, be guilty of terrible crimes |