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单词 gun
释义 gun /gAn; gAn/ n 1 general name for any kind of firearm that sends shells or bullets from a metal tube: 炮; 枪: a warship with 16-inch guns; 装有十六吋口径大炮的战舰; machine-guns. 机关枪。 ccannon, carbine, musket, pistol, revolver, rifle1. be going great guns, be proceeding vigorously and successfully. 正在努力而且顺利地进行。 blow great guns, (of the wind) blow violently. (指风) 狂吹。 stick to one's guns, maintain one's position against attack or argument. 坚守阵地; 坚守立场。 gun dost n small warship carrying heavy guns, or long-range missiles. 炮艇。 gunboat diplomacy, (fig) diplomacy backed by the threat of force. (喻) 炮艇外交 (以武力威胁作后盾之外交政策) gun-carriage n wheeled support of a big gun, or part on which a gun slides when it recoils. 炮架。 'gun-cotton n [U] explosive of acid-soaked cotton. 强棉药; 硝化棉。 gun-tirs n [U] firing of gun(s). 炮火。 gun msn /-man; -maen/ n (pl -men) man who uses a gun to rob or kill people. 持枪抢劫或杀人的歹徒。 'gun-metal n alloy of copper and tin or zinc; dull blue-grey colour. 炮铜; 书铜 (铜与锡或锌的合金); 铁灰色。 'gun-powder n explosive powder used in guns, fireworks, blasting, etc. 火药 e the 'Gunpowder Plot, plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament, 5 Nov 1605. 火药阴谋 (1605 年 11 月 5 日阴谋炸毁英国国会的事件) 。 'gun-room n (in a warship) room for junior officers. . ( 战舰,) 下级军官室 gun-running n [U] introduction of firearms, secretly and illegally, into a country, eg to help a revolt. 私运军火 (以助叛乱等) 。 'gunrunner n person engaged in this. 私运军火者。 gunshot n a [C] shot fired by a gun. (玷出之) 炮弹。 b [U] range of a gun: 炮的射程: be out of/within gunshot. 在大炮射程以外 (内) 。 'gunsmith n person who makes and repairs small firearms. 造枪工人; 修枪匠。 2 person using a sporting gun, as a member of a shooting party. 脉猎队员。 3 big gun, (colloq) important or powerful person. (俗) 重要或有权势的人物。 vt [VP6A, 15B] gun sb (down), shoot with a gun. 用枪将某人射倒。




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