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单词 纵虎归山

纵虎归山放虎归山zòng hǔ guī shān

let the tiger return (/go back)to the mountains—cause calamity for the future;allow the enemy to escape
❍ 前在长安,见安禄山面有反相,知其包藏祸心,不想圣上命彼出镇范阳,分明~。(洪昇《长生殿》) When l was in the capital I saw that An Lushan looked like a rebel and knew that he was plotting mischief; but then the emperor suddenly sent him to command Fanyang—this is like letting the tiger go back to the mountain.
❍ 哼!假如我们捉到瑞澂同黎元洪、张彪他们,那就不会~。(李六如《六十年的变迁》 Ⅰ—250) Well,if we ever lay our hands on Rui Zhang,Li Yuanhong or Zhang Biao,we’ll never let them off so easily. That would amount to setting a captured tiger free…

纵虎归山zong hu gui shan

let the tiger return to the mountains—cause calamity for the future


let the tiger return to the mountain—cause calamity for the future

纵虎归山zònɡ hǔ ɡuī shān

把老虎放归山中。比喻自留祸根。cause calamity for the future, let the tiger return to the mountains





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