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单词 god
释义 god /god; gad/ n 1 being regarded or worshipped as having power over nature and control over human affairs; image in wood, stone, etc to represent such a being: 神; 神像: the blind god (or god of love), Cupid; 爱神 ; rhe god of the sea, Neptune; 海神; a feast/sight for the gods, something extraordinary, exquisite, etc. 不寻常的事物; 精美的事物。 2 God. the Supreme Being, creator and ruler of the universe. (大写)上帝 God (almighty)! Good God! int (colloq) exclamations of surprise, shock etc. (俗)(表示惊异、震惊等)上帝啊! 老美啊! God willing, if circumstances permit. 如浦浇薛可。 God knows, → goodness knows, → goodness(3). 3 person greatly adored or admired; very influential person; sth to which excessive attention is paid: 受尊崇之人; 极有影响力的人; 极受注意之争物: make a god of one's belly, think excessively about food and drink. 尊崇自己的肚子; 非常重视饮食。 He thinks he's a (little) tin god, used eg of an official who expects undeserved and excessive respect. 他认为他自己是个很了不起而且极受尊崇的人物(用以指希望受到不应得的过分尊崇的官员等)。 4 (theatre) the gods, (persons in the) gallery seats. (厳院)最高楼座(之观众)。 5 (compounds) (复合字) godchild, 'goddaughter, 'godson n person for whom a godparent acts as sponsor at baptism. 敎子; 敎女(安洗时由敎父或敎母担保其宗敎敎育的孩子)。 god-damn(ed); (US) ■goddam /'gtxiaem; 'gad'dzem/ adj, adv 入 (si; intensive) very; very great, (H; 俚; 增强语气之字) 很; 很大。 'godfather, 'godmother, 'godparent n person who undertakes, when a child is baptized, to take an active interest in its welfare. 敎父; 敎母(孩子受洗时,担保其宗敎敎育之人)。 'godfearing adj reverent; living a good life and sincerely religious. 虔诚的; 虔敬的。 'godforsaken adj (of places) dismal; wretched .( 指地方)阴森的; 荒凉的。 Gods 'acre n (old use) churchyard. (旧雨法) 敎堂墓地” godsend /-send; -zscnd/ n piece of good fortune coming unexpectedly; sth welcome because it is a great help in time of need. 意外的好运; 紧急时大有预助因而受欢迎之物; 天赐之物。 god-speed n bid/wish sb godspeed, wish him success on a journey, etc. 祝某人一帆风顺; 祝某人一路平安。




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