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单词 since
since/sɪns/ conj & prepadv [无comp

conj (1)自从……以后(来)(from a certain time till now or till a later past event)(主句通常用现在完成时、过去完成时或一般现在时,从句用过去时或现在完成时):He has been at home (ever)~he returned from America. 自从美国回来以后他就一直待在家里。I have been working (ever)~I finished my breakfast. 自从吃完早饭以后我就一直工作。He came at last. I had been waiting for him for an hour~you left. 他终于来了。自你们走后我又等了他一小时。It's a long time~we met last. 我们已经很长时间没有见面了。It was ages~I had my last meal,and I was very hungry. 上一顿饭已经吃过好长时间了,我饿极了。I've known her~I've lived in this street. 自从我住到这条街上,我就认识她了。

(2)因为,既然(because;as):S~he was busy,he didn't come to the party. 他因为忙没有来参加那个聚会。Aircraft noise is a problem~we are close to the airport. 由于我们靠近机场,飞机噪音就成了一个问题。S~you're not interested,I won't tell you about it. 既然你不感兴趣,我就不告诉你那件事了。

prep 自从……以后(来)(from a certain time till now or till a later past time)[通常与现在完成时、过去完成时或一般现在时连用]:She has never spoken to him~then/last week. 从那时/上周以来她就没有和他说过话。 It's been raining~two o'clock. 从两点起天就一直在下雨。I met her last Christmas,but I had known her by sight~1995. 我是在去年圣诞节时认识她的,但是我从1995年起就和她见过面。It's a long time~the last meeting. 自从上次会议以来已经过了好长时间了。It was ages~my last meal,and I was very hungry. 上一顿饭已经吃过好长时间了,我饿极了。

adv 从那时起,后来(from then till now or a later past time)[与现在完成或过去完成时连用]:He left here five years ago and I haven't seen him (ever)~. 他五年前离开这里,从那时起我就再也没有见过他。I bought a new car two years ago but I've~sold it. 两年前我买了一辆新车,但是后来我又卖了。






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