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单词 cover


△Ado.1.2.8(7):“but they have agood cover:”不过它们表面上看来很好。
2. hood covering the wagon,cover of the wagon车篷。
△Rom.1.4.61(63):“The cover of the wings of grasshoppers,”车篷是蚱蜢的翅膀做的。


vt. hide,conceal隐藏,隐蔽。
△R.Ⅲ.4.4.240:“What good is covered with the face of heaven / Tobe discovered,that can do me good?”难道还会有什么好处被上天隐蔽,一旦揭示出来,就会对我有利吗?
1.spread the cloth on the table for a meal铺上桌布,准备开饭。
△2H.IV.2.4.11(10):“Why then,cover andset them down,” 那么,铺上桌布,把干苹果放下来吧。
△Mer. 3. 5. 57(51):“only ‘cover’is the word.”只消说一声“摆桌开饭”就行了。(按:罗伦佐下句话说的cover亦同此意。)
△As.2.5.31:“Sirs. cover the while;”诸位,趁这工夫把餐桌摆好吧。
2. cover one’s head. put on one’s hat (as equals or su-periors)(像同等者或上等人那样)不脱帽,戴着帽子。
△Mer 29.44:“How many then should cover that stand bare?”有多少脱帽侍立的人都戴上帽子?
△Mer.3.5.60(54):“Notso,sir,neither,I know my duty.”我可不能戴上帽子,先生,我知道自己的地位。(按:此时朗斯洛特故意将罗伦佐说的cover解释为“戴上帽子”。)
cover thy head: put your hat on戴上帽子。
△As.5.118(16):“Cover thy head,cover thy head; nay,prith-ee,be covered.”(William has respectfully removed hishat. Touchstone’s condescension places him in the po-sition of a gentleman talking to an inferior.)戴上帽子,戴上帽子;不,请戴上帽子吧。(按:威廉脱帽示礼,试金石故作谦和待下之状,把自己放在上流人士的地位。)
~ vb. copulate (of a stallion and a mare)(公马和母马)交配。
△Oth.1.1.109: “Because we come to do youservice,and you think we are ruffians,you’ll haveyour daughter covered with a Barbary horse.”我们前来为你效劳,只因你把我们当做坏人,你就情愿让你的女儿给一匹巴巴里的黑马骑了。


◇be covered充满,被盖满
cover in盖(填)满
cover into移交,交付
cover off向前看齐
cover oneself with获得…/cover over遮盖
cover up掩饰,裹住
cover (up) one’s tracks隐匿行踪
from cover to cover从头到尾
under cover隐藏着
under cover of在…掩护下,以…为借口
under cover to附在信中
under separate cover另外寄
‖ back cover封底
cover charge服务费
cover cost期货保证金
cover-cover defence跟进防守
cover design封面设计
cover girl封面女郎
cover jump跳起掩护
cover note承保单,临时保单,保险证明
cover paper封面纸
cover percentage of forest森林覆盖率
cover position补进
cover rate保险费率
cover short买回卖空出去的股票
cover shot备用镜头
cover story封面故事,头版(条)新闻
cover the deficit弥补赤字
cover the expenses支付开支
cover the ground旅行,包含,涉及
cover the loss弥补损失
cover title封面书名
cover-to-cover translation全译本(期刊各期的全文译本)/ front cover封面
lapped cover护边封面
paper cover平装本
plastic cover塑料封面
under coverage总差额
covered advance有掩护的前进
covered area掩蔽地域
covered call备兑认购期权
covered gymnasium室内运动场
covered interest arbitrage轧平的套利交易
covered margin抵补差额
covered money国库存款
covered option备兑期权
covered position有掩蔽的阵地
covered reserve提存资金准备
covered short selling有担保的卖空交易
covered warrant备兑权证
covered writing沽出备兑期权
covering deed承保说明书
covering detachment掩护支队
covering element掩护分队
covering fire掩护火力
covering force掩护部队
covering law覆盖律
covering law model覆盖律模型
covering law model of explanation解释的覆盖律模型
covering law theory覆盖律理论
covering letter附信
covering memorandum随函备忘录
covering note保险证明
covering player保护队员
covering power颜色覆盖力
covering report总结报告书
covering the smash保护扣球
covering theorem覆盖定理
covering warrant缴款书





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