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单词 glamour
释义 glamour (US also glamor) /'glaema(r); 'glaem/ n [U] 1 charm or enchantment; power of beauty or romance to move the feelings: 魅力; 魔力; 迷人的力量: the ~ of moonlight on the sea. 海上迷人的月色。 2 alluring beauty or charm, often with sex-appeal. 诱惑力(常是性感的)。 glamorous /-as; -as/ adj full of ~: 富有魅力的: glamorous film stars. 富有魅力的电影明星。 glamorize /-aiz; -aiz/ vt [VP6A] make glamorous: 使有魅力: newspapers that glamorize the lives of film stars. 把影星的生活描写得十分动人的报纸。 glamor iz ation /iglaemsrax'zeifn US: -n'z-; /glzemorf zejan/ n




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