释义 |
粉fěnⅠ ❶ (粉末) powder:面 ~ flour; 花 ~ pollen; 香 ~ face powder; 奶 ~ powdered milk; 爽身 ~ talcum powder; 洗衣 ~ detergent; 漂白 ~ bleaching powder; 去污 ~ cleanser; 药 ~ medicine in the form of a powder; 擦 ~ powder one's face ❷ (用淀粉制成的粉条或粉丝) noodles or vermicelli made from bean,potato or sweet potato starch:凉 ~ bean jelly Ⅱ ❶ (弄成碎末) crush to powder:~ 碎 crush;smash ❷ [方] (变成粉末) turn to powder:石灰已经 ~ 了。 The lime has turned to powder. ❸ [方] (粉刷) whitewash:墙已 ~ 过。 The wall had been whitewashed. Ⅲ ❶ (带着白粉的;白色的) whitewashed;white:~ 蝶 white butterfly ❷ (粉红) pink:~ 牡丹 pink peony;~ 色 pink colour;~ 纸 pink paper ◆粉白[红]黛绿 the ladies;the fair sex; 粉白蚁 powder-post termite; 粉斑螟 meal moth;meal snout moth;almond moth; 粉报春 {植}bird's-eye; 粉笔 chalk; 粉萆廨 {中药} hypoglauca yam;mealy yam;Rhizoma Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae; 粉彩 {工美} famille rose; 粉肠 a kind of sausage; 粉尘 stive;dust; 粉虫 mealworm; 粉刺 acne;comedo (pl. comedones);pimple; 粉翠 Beijing jade; 粉黛 [旧] ladies in the palace or of a rich family; 粉底霜 vanishing cream; 粉蝶 {动} pierid;Colias;white butterfly; 粉蠧 powder-post beetle;powder-post borer;powder post;lyctus;lyctid; 粉坊 bean-noodle mill; 粉盒 powder box;compact; 粉红 pink; 粉红色 rose hermosa;pink; 粉花凌霄 bower plant; 粉痂病 powdery scab; 粉粒 silt;particle; 粉料 powder lot;powder; 粉领工人 pink-collar worker; 粉煤 powdered coal;pulverized coal; 粉末 powder;flour;stive;smalls; 粉末冶金 powder metallurgy; 粉墨登场 make oneself up and go on the stage;mount the stage in full regalia [makeup];don one's costume [dress up;put on one's makeup] and go on the stage;embark on a political venture;enter upon office fully dressed up;put on one's costume and make one's entry on the stage; 粉牌 a small white plate for taking accounts or notes temporarily; 粉皮 sheet jelly made from bean or sweet potato starch; 粉扑儿 powder puff; 粉墙 whitewash a wall;whitewashed wall; 粉球 sphere of powder; 粉身碎骨 be smashed to pieces;be beaten till one's bones are broken;be dashed [hacked] to pieces;be crushed to powder;die the most cruel death;grind someone's bones to powder and make mincemeat of one's flesh;have one's body pounded to pieces and one's bones ground to powder [dust];have one's body smashed to pieces;One's bones are ground to powder.; 粉身碎骨,在所不惜 not to flinch [not to shrink;go ahead unflinchingly] even if one is threatened with destruction [the possibility of being ground to dust or smashed to pulp];粉虱 aleyrodid;mealywing; 粉饰 gloss over;whitewash;varnish;sugar up; 粉饰门面 whitewash the appearance [facade];serve as a window-dressing; 粉饰太平 present a false appearance of peace and prosperity;a false peace;pretend that everything is going well;put a good face [facade] (on the state of affairs); 粉刷 whitewash;brush;finish;render;rendering;paint;[方] plaster; 粉丝 vermicelli made from bean starch,etc.; 粉碎 smash;shatter;crush;broken to pieces;pulverize;shred;shiver;grinding;crushing;pulverization;pulverizing;powdering;comminution; 粉碎机 grinder;kibbler;shredder;disintegrator;pulverizer;comminutor;kominuter;microniser;comminuting machine;bucker; 粉碎性骨折 comminuted fracture; 粉条 noodles made from bean or sweet potato starch; 粉条儿菜 aletris spicata; 粉妆银砌 (the landscape) give the illusion of a silver-and-powder world; 粉妆玉琢 be decorated with white powder and carved out of jade — snow landscape;the silvery sight of snow and ice-covered land; 粉状 powdery |