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单词 笑容可掬

笑容可掬xiào róng kě jū

be all smiles; beam with a broad smile; be radiant (/covered/wreathed) with smiles; smile broadly (/obsequi ously); wear a broad smile; with a charming (/an ingratiating) smile; with a smiling face
❍ 有女郎携婢,拈梅花一枝,容华绝代,~。(《聊斋志异·婴宁》)Amongst others,he noticed a young lady with her maid. She had just picked a sprig of plumblossom,and was the prettiest girl he had ever heard of -a perfect bunch of smiles.
❍ 主人~迎接道: “大郎请坐。”(《水浒全传》386) The host greeted them,all smiles and bows,“Please be seated,Second Young Master,”he said./“今天倪先生初到,我们理合欢迎。这一杯就欢迎他吧。”李毅公~地这样说; 执着酒杯在焕之面前一扬,也缩还自己的嘴边。(叶圣陶《倪焕之》49)“We ought to be welcoming Mr Ni as he’s here for the first time today. Let’s drink this round as a welcome to him.”So saying,a beaming Li Yigong raised his glass to Huanzhi then swung it back to his mouth.
❍ 方六老爷~,同他站在一边,伏在栏杆上看执事。(《儒林外史》547)The sixth Mr Fang fairly beamed. He stood beside her,leaning against the railing,watching the flags and musicians,…/果见孔明坐于城楼之上,笑容可掬,…… (《三国演义》823) …it was exactly as the scouts had reported: Kongming sat there,his face all smiles.
❍ 朱介的手伸向厅门,~地连声道:“请、请、请!”(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》188)Smiling obsequiously,Zhu Jie motioned the visitor in.


be radiant with smiles

笑容可掬xiào rónɡ kě jū

掬:双手捧取。形容满脸堆笑。be radiant with smiles, with a charming smile, wear a broad smile





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更新时间:2025/3/3 6:35:47