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单词 遗臭万年

遗臭万年yí chòu wàn nián

leave a stink for ten thousand year—go down in history as a byword of infamy; be condemned for generations; be cursed forever by posterity;be reviled down the centuries;leave a bad name forever; one’s bad name will go down in history; remain infamous in history
❍ 大丈夫定要流芳后世,不能~! ((杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》34) A great man should hand down a good name to future generations not a foul reputation.
❍ 既而屈起坐曰: “既不能流芳百世,亦不足复遗臭万载耶!” (刘义庆《世说新语·尤悔》) Then,after crouching and getting up from his seat,he continued,“Even if I can’t let my fragrance be wafted down to later generatio ns,does that mean I’m incapable of leaving behind a stench for ten thousand years?”/如果把他们二人在狱中害死,他不但生前举国唾骂,死后也将~。(姚雪垠《李自成》Ⅱ—808)Wu would be condemned by all if he codoned their murder,and his name would go down in history as such.
❍ 然而又有人来骂了。童子军还在烈士们的輓联上,说他们 “~” (《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—235) But people are abusing them again. Boy scouts have actually written on the funeral scrolls of the martyrs:“May they stink for ten thousand years!”


leave a stink for ten thousand years—go down in history as a byword of infamy;earn eternal notoriety

遗臭万年yí chòu wàn nián

遗:遗留,留下。形容人死后臭名一直流传,永远受到唾骂。go down in history as a byword of infancy, be cursed forever by posterity, remain infamous in history





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