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单词 shine
shine/ ⨜aɪn/ vshoneshone / ⨜ɒn, AmE ⨜oʊn/ or -d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]; n

v (1)照耀,发光(亮)(emit or reflect light)[II+prepI+adv]: The sun/moon/stars/diamond (glass ) shone brightly. 阳光明媚/月光皎洁/星光灿烂/钻石(玻璃)闪闪发光。The light's~ing in her eyes. 她的眼睛里闪耀着光芒。Her eyes shone with happiness. 她高兴得两眼放光。It was a fine morning with the sun~ing down. 那是一个睛朗的早晨,阳光照耀着大地。The rain stopped and the sun shone out. 雨停了,太阳出来了。〖同〗gleam,sparkle,glitter,twinkle;

(2)把……的光投向(direct or aim the beam or glow of sth in a specified direction)[T+n+prepT+n+adv]: S~that light over here. 把光朝这边照。~the flashlight on the stairs 把手电照着楼梯;He shone the torch up into my face. 他举起火把照向我的脸。

(3)擦亮(cause to shine;polish)[T+n](infml):~shoes/boots/silver 把鞋/靴子/银器擦亮〖同〗polish,wax,brighten;

(4)显得出众,杰出(be very good at;excel)[II+prep (at/in)]:She managed to~politically. 她终于在政治上出人头地。~at tennis/at maths/in conversation/in school 擅长打网球/擅长数学/擅于言谈/学业优秀

→′shining adj 发光的,照耀的;卓越的,杰出的;′shiny adj 有光泽的;′shiner n 黑眼圈;发光物;

n(1)光亮(泽)(brightness caused by giving out or reflecting light;the state of being well polished)[Ua~]:He likes a good~on his shoes. 他喜欢自己的皮鞋锃亮。Silk has a~. 丝绸有光泽。〖同〗glow,brightness,brilliance,polish;

(2)擦(act of polishing sth esp shoes)[Ua~]:give one's shoes a good~把自己的鞋擦亮;The shoes need a~.这双鞋需要擦一擦。

take a shine to sb/sth 突然喜欢(爱)上某人/某物:The boy took a~to his new teacher the very first day.那男孩从第一天起就喜欢上了这位新老师。

【辨异】shine glare 的区别见GLARE。





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