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(仿效) imitate; copy Ⅱ ❶ (法式; 规范; 标准) model; pattern; standard: 楷 ~ model; paragon; 制 ~ 工 patternmaker
❷ (指模范) model: 劳 ~ model worker; 英 ~ heroes and model
❸ {数} modules
另见 see also mú。
◆模本 calligraphy or painting model; 模范 an exemplary person or thing; model; fine example; 模方 norm; modified cube; 模仿 imitate; copy; model oneself on; simulate; pattern; imitation; 模糊 dim; vague; indistinct; obscure; fuzzy; blurred; blur; obscure; confuse; mix up; 模糊关系 fuzzy relation;
模糊集合论 fuzzy set theory; 模糊技术 fuzziness technique; 模糊决策 fuzzy decision-making; 模糊理论 fuzzy theory; 模糊数学 fuzzy mathematics; 模块 module; 模棱两可 ready to accept either course; ambiguous; inconclusive; betwixt and between; 模拟 imitate; simulate; analog; analogy; imitation; simulation; 模拟仿真 analog simulation; 模拟网络 analog network; 模拟训练 simulation training; 模拟-数字转换 analog-digital conversion; 模式 model; mode; pattern; type; schema; 模数 {物} modulus; module; modulo; mod; 模态 modal; modality; 模特儿 model; 模写 replication; 模型 model; pattern; mould; pattern; model set; mould pattern; layout; type; representation; cast; version; matrix; mock-up; shape

❶ (模子) mould; pattern; matrix: 铸锭 ~ ingot mould; 灰泥 ~ stucco pattern; 铜 ~ {刷} matrix; (copper) mould
❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 尚 Mu Shang
另见 see also mó。
◆模板 {土} formwork; mould; shuttering; follow board; form board; match board; match plate; mother plate; mounted pattern; pattern plate; template; form panel; stencil; 模锻 drop-forging; stamping; die forging; contour forging; die forming; impact forging; stamp forging; punching; peehing; stampout; 模具 mould; matrix; pattern die; die; 模样 appearance; look; approximately about; around; 模子 mould; matrix; pattern; die





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