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单词 穷乡僻壤

穷乡僻壤qióng xiāng pì rǎng

a district shut off from the outside world; a poor country district; an obscure village; a remote,backward place (/countryside); backwater; backwoods; hinterlands;the remote barren land; the remotest corners of the country
❍ ~,有这样读书君子,却被守钱奴如此凌虐,…… (《儒林外史》119) To think that this poor,out-of-the-way place should produce such a scholar,yet he should be victimized by a miser!/但铜镜的供用,大约道光咸丰时候还与玻璃镜并行; 至于~,也许至今还用着。(鲁迅《坟·看镜有感》165) But bronze mirrors went on being used along with glass ones till as late as the reign of Dao Guang (1821—1850) or Xian Feng(1851—1861); indeed,they may still be in use in small villages or remote parts of the country.
❍ 一个村妇再醮两回,原是~的常事,一到才子的笔下,就又赐以大字的题目道:“奇淫不减武则天。”(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—151)Again,it is very common in poor country districts for a woman to marry several times,but the brilliant writer dashes off a big headline: “More Concupiscent than Wu Zetian.”/为今之计,只要酌量增减一点,使它合于各该地方所特有的音,也就可以用到无论什么~去了。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—90) If minor modifications are made meanwhile to represent the different dialects,this method can be applied in the most remote parts of the country.


poor area shut off from the outside world;remote,out-of-the-way place

穷乡僻壤qiónɡ xiānɡ pì rǎnɡ

指荒凉偏僻贫穷遥远的地方。a remote, backward place, out of the way country, back lands, a poky hold





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