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单词 税收

税收shuì shōuTaxation

按值税 [àn zhí shuì] ad valorem duty (in proportion to the value)
保护关税 [bǎo hù ɡuān shuì] protection tariff
保税仓库 [bǎo shuì cānɡ kù] bonded warehouse
保税货 [bǎo shuì huò] bonded goods
报税单 [bào shuì dān] tax return
补地价 [bǔ dì jià] land premium
不动产税 [bú dònɡ chǎn shuì] real estate tax; nonmoveable property tax
财产税 [cái chǎn shuì] property tax
充公货物 [chōnɡ ɡōnɡ huò wù] confiscated goods
船舶载重税 [chuán bó zài zhònɡ shuì] tonnage tax
从价税 [cónɡ jià shuì] ad valorem duty (in proportion to the value)
从量税 [cónɡ liànɡ shuì] specific duty
单一税 [dān yī shuì] single tariff
抵销关税 [dǐ xiāo ɡuān shuì] countervailing duty
地方税 [dì fānɡ shuì] local tax
地价税 [dì jià shuì] land value tax
动产税 [dònɡ chǎn shuì] personal estate tax; moveable property tax
多重税 [duō chónɡ shuì] multiple tariff
二重税 [èr chónɡ shuì] double tariff
法人所得税 [fǎ rén suǒ dé shuì] corporate income tax
房屋税 [fánɡ wū shuì] housing tax
分摊税 [fēn tān shuì] apportioned tax
服务税 [fú wù shuì] service tax
复合税 [fù hé shuì] compound duty
附加税 [fù jiā shuì] surtax; supplementary tax
改良税 [ɡǎi liánɡ shuì] improvement tax
港埠税 [ɡǎnɡ bù shuì] harbor tax
港工税 [ɡǎnɡ ɡōnɡ shuì] harbor-labor tax
个人减免 [ɡè rén jiǎn miǎn] personal deduction
工厂税 [ɡōnɡ chǎnɡ shuì] factory tax
估税 [ɡū shuì] (tax) assessment
估税员 [ɡū shuì yuán] (tax) assessor
固定资产税 [ɡù dìnɡ zī chǎn shuì] real estate tax; nonmoveable property tax
关卡 [ɡuān qiǎ] customs barrier
关税 [ɡuān shuì] tariff; customs duty
关税退税 [ɡuān shuì tuì shuì] back taxes
关税以外一切税收 [ɡuān shuì yǐ wài yí qiè shuì shōu] internal/inland tax
关税自主 [ɡuān shuì zì zhǔ] tariff autonomy
广告税 [ɡuǎnɡ ɡào shuì] advertising tax
国产税 [ɡuó chǎn shuì] excise tax
国定税则 [ɡuó dìnɡ shuì zé] authorized tariff
国防税 [ɡuó fánɡ shuì] defense tax
国境税 [ɡuó jìnɡ shuì] frontier tax
国民税 [ɡuó mín shuì] poll/head tax
国内税 [ɡuó nèi shuì] internal/inland tax
国税 [ɡuó shuì] national tax
国有土地税 [ɡuó yǒu tǔ dì shuì] national land tax
过份利得税 [ɡuò fèn lì dé shuì] excess profits tax
户税 [hù shuì] household tax
货物税 [huò wù shuì] commodity tax
加值税 [jiā zhí shuì] business value-added tax
甲种车辆税 [jiǎ zhǒnɡ chē liànɡ shuì] grade A vehicle tax
间接税 [jiàn jiē shuì] indirect tax
减免税收 [jiǎn miǎn shuì shōu] (tax) abatement
交易税 [jiāo yì shuì] business/sales tax
缴罚款 [jiǎo fá kuǎn] pay a fine
缴税收据 [jiǎo shuì shōu jù] tax receipt
教育税 [jiào yù shuì] education tax
进口税 [jìn kǒu shuì] import duty/tax
矿区税 [kuànɡ qū shuì] mine tax; mining claim tax
矿业税 [kuànɡ yè shuì] mining tax
累减税 [lěi jiǎn shuì] regressive taxation
累进税 [lěi jìn shuì] progressive taxation
厘金税 [lí jīn shuì] likin (tax of China)
利得税 [lì dé shuì] profits tax
利息税 [lì xī shuì] interest tax
零售税 [línɡ shòu shuì] retail excise
流通税 [liú tōnɡ shuì] circulation tax
漏税 [lòu shuì] tax evasion
漏税商品 [lòu shuì shānɡ pǐn] smuggled goods
旅馆营业税 [lǚ ɡuǎn yínɡ yè shuì] occupancy/bed tax
码头税 [mǎ tóu shuì] pier tax
免税 [miǎn shuì] immunity/exemption from taxes
免税物品 [miǎn shuì wù pǐn] duty-free items
纳税 [nà shuì] pay tax
纳税人 [nà shuì rén] taxpayer
纳税义务 [nà shuì yì wù] obligation to pay tax
酿酒税 [niànɡ jiǔ shuì] brewery tax
酿造税 [niànɡ zào shuì] brewery tax
牌照税 [pái zhào shuì] permit/license tax
契税 [qì shuì] deed tax
人头税 [rén tóu shuì] poll/head tax
入港税 [rù ɡǎnɡ shuì] harbor tax
三重税 [sān chónɡ shuì] triple tariff
森林所得税 [sēn lín suǒ dé shuì] forestry income tax
奢侈品税 [shē chǐ pǐn shuì] luxury tax
申报书 [shēn bào shū] declaration
什一税 [shí yī shuì] tithe
实税 [shí shuì] real tax
市民税 [shì mín shuì] municipal inhabitant tax
收税 [shōu shuì] tax collecting
收税官 [shōu shuì ɡuān] tax collector; excise man
收税站 [shōu shuì zhàn] toll bar/station
税率 [shuì lǜ] tax rate
税收 [shuì shōu] tax collection
税务缉私员 [shuì wù jī sī yuán] revenue officer (handles smuggled goods)
税务人员 [shuì wù rén yuán] tax staff/agent
税制 [shuì zhì] tax system
所得税申报书 [suǒ dé shuì shēn bào shū] income-tax form/return
逃税 [táo shuì] tax evasion
逃税人 [táo shuì rén] tax dodger/evader
特殊减免 [tè shū jiǎn miǎn] particular deduction
特种营业税 [tè zhǒnɡ yínɡ yè shuì] special business tax
田赋 [tián fù] farm tax
田赋征实 [tián fù zhēnɡ shí] land tax collected in kind
停泊税 [tínɡ bó shuì] anchorage tax
通行税 [tōnɡ xínɡ shuì] toll
统一税收编号 [tǒnɡ yī shuì shōu biān hào] unified taxation code
屠宰税 [tú zǎi shuì] slaughter tax
土地增值税 [tǔ dì zēnɡ zhí shuì] land value increment tax
退税 [tuì shuì] tax rebate/return
消费税 [xiāo fèi shuì] excise tax
协议税则 [xié yì shuì zé] conventional tariff
虚报税额 [xū bào shuì é] false declaration
虚税 [xū shuì] false tax
烟酒税 [yān jiǔ shuì] alcohol & tobacco tax
盐税 [yán shuì] salt tax
筵席税 [yán xí shuì] banquet tax
演出税 [yǎn chū shuì] performance tax
养路税 [yǎnɡ lù shuì] highway maintenance tax
一般减免 [yì bān jiǎn miǎn] general deduction
遗产税 [yí chǎn shuì] legacy tax; inheritance duty
遗嘱认证税 [yí zhǔ rèn zhènɡ shuì] probate tax/duty
乙种车辆税 [yǐ zhǒnɡ chē liànɡ shuì] grade B vehicle tax
印花 [yìn huā] revenue stamp
印花税 [yìn huā shuì] stamp-duty; stamp-tax
营利事业所得税 [yínɡ lì shì yè suǒ dé shuì] business profits/income tax
营业税 [yínɡ yè shuì] business/sales tax
娱乐税 [yú lè shuì] entertainment tax
杂税 [zá shuì] miscellaneous tax
征粮 [zhēnɡ liánɡ] requisition for food
政府税收减少 [zhènɡ fǔ shuì shōu jiǎn shǎo] lose tax revenue (because of smuggling)
证券交易所得税 [zhènɡ quàn jiāo yì suǒ dé shuì] capital gains tax
直接税 [zhí jiē shuì] direct tax
执照税 [zhí zhào shuì] permit/license tax
中间税 [zhōnɡ jiān shuì] intermediate tariff
转口税 [zhuǎn kǒu shuì] transit tax
综合所得税 [zōnɡ hé suǒ dé shuì] uniform income tax
走私货 [zǒu sī huò] smuggled goods


tax collection


tax revenue;revenue receipt
~参考价格tax reference price /~等级tax bracket/~抵免tax credit/~减免tax reduction and exemption/~流失tax losses/~率tax rate/~漏洞tax loopholes/~起征点tax threshold/~同盟fiscal union /~优惠tax preference/~一体化tax integration/~优惠政策preferential tax policy/~征管tax collection and management;tax administration/~政策tax policy/~制度tax regime (or system)





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