释义 |
镇(鎮)zhènⅠ ❶ (镇守的地方) garrison post: 军事重 ~ strategic post ❷ (行政区划单位) town: 小 ~ townlet; ~ 民 townsfolk; townsman; 乡 ~ villages and towns ❸ (较大的市集) trading centre: 集 ~ market town ❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 平 Zhen Ping Ⅱ ❶ (压; 抑制) suppress; press down; keep down: ~ 咳 keep cough down; ~ 痛 ease pain ❷ (安定) calm; compose ❸ (用武力维持安定) guard; garrison: ~ 抚 pacify (rebellious district); 坐 ~ assume personal command (of a garrison, etc.) ❹ (冷却) cool with ice or in cold water: 冰 ~ cool by ice; 把西瓜放在冷水里 ~ 一 ~ put the watermelon in cold water for a while to chill it Ⅲ ❶ (平静) calm; tranquil: ~ 静 calm ❷ (表示整个的一段时间) whole: ~ 日 the whole day ◆镇尺 paper weight; 镇喘药 antasthmatic; bechic; 镇定 calm; cool; composed; unperturbed; unruffled; 镇反 suppress counterrevolutionaries; 镇惊 relieving convulsion; 镇静 calm; cool; composed; unruffled; tranquilizing (the mind); sedation; tranquilization; {冶} kill; 镇流 ballast; 镇流管 ballast tube; ballast lamp; amperite; 镇守 guard (a strategically important place); garrison; 镇痛 ease pain; {医} analgesia; 镇星 Saturn; 镇压 sup ̄ press; repress; put down; [口] execute (a counterrevolutionary); 镇纸 paperweight; 镇子 [方] town; market town |