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❶ (事物出现得少) rare; scarce; uncommon: 物以 ~ 为贵。 When a thing is scarce, it is precious.
❷ (事物之间距离远; 空隙大) sparse; scattered: 地广人 ~ a vast, sparsely populated area; 月明星 ~。 The moon is bright and the stars are few.
❸ (含水多; 稀薄) watery; thin: 我想吃点 ~ 的。 I'd like to have some liquid food. 粥太 ~ 了。 This gruel is too thin. Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 贤 Xi Xian
◆稀播 light seeding; thinly-scattered seeding; 稀薄 thin; rare; rarefied; wishy-washy; 稀布 bare cloth; scrim cloth; 稀发剪 thinning shears; 稀饭 rice or millet gruel; porridge; congee; thin gruel; 稀粪 loose stool; 稀货 rare goods; goods badly in need; 稀客 rare visitor; 稀烂 completely mashed; pulpy; smashed to pieces; broken to bits; smashed to smithereens; 稀里糊涂 not knowing what one is about; muddleheaded; 稀溜溜 (of soup, gruel) thin; 稀面糊 batter; 稀泥 sposh; 稀奇古怪 strange and eccentric; out of the way [ordinary]; curious; exotic; odd; outlandish; quaint; 稀溶液 weak solution; dilute solution; 稀散金属 dissipated metal; 稀少 few; rare; scarce; few and far between; 稀世不凡 be really sth. else; 稀世珍本 a rare book in the world; 稀世之宝 rare treasure; 稀世之才 the supramundane power of intellect; 稀释 {化} dilution; thinning; attenuation; deliquate; dilute; 稀疏 few and scattered; few and far between; thin; sparse; 稀疏零落 sparse and scattered; 稀树草原 [巴西] limpo; tree steppe; tree veld; 稀松 poor; sloppy; unimportant; trivial; 稀酸 {化} dilute acid; 稀土 tombarthite; rare earth; 稀稀拉拉 diffuse and flat; thinly scattered; sparse; 稀稀落落 thinly scattered; sparse; 稀血症 {医} hydremia; hydracmia; 稀有 rare; unusual; uncommon; 稀有金属 rare metals; less-common metals; 稀粥 water gruel





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