敝bìⅠ ❶ [书] (破烂) old;shabby;tattered;worn-out:~ 衣 shabby clothes;tattered [ragged] clothing; 舌 ~ 唇焦 talk till one's tongue and lips are parched ❷ [谦] (旧时用于与己有关的事物) my;our:~ 姓 my surname;~ 友 my friend;~ 处 my place;~ 公司 our firm Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname:~ 无存 Bi Wucun ◆敝屣 [书] worn-out shoes;a worthless thing; 敝屣虚荣 cast away vanity like a pair of worn-out shoes;despise vanity; 敝帚自珍[千金] value one's own old broomstick — one loves what is his own.;All his geese are swans.;cherish something of little value simply because it is one's own;Everything is nice in one's own garden.;have too high an opinion of one's own doings or one's own belongings;treasure one's own things |