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单词 shave
shave/ ⨜eɪv/ v [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]; n

v (1)剃(刮)胡须,刮脸(remove hair from one's or sb's face with a razor)[IT+nT+n+prep (off),T+n+adv (off)]:~every morning 每天早晨刮脸;He~d and dressed. 他刮了脸并穿好衣服。He asked the barber to~him. 他让理发师给他修面。Do you~yourself or go to the barber's? 你自己刮脸还是去理发店刮脸?(nurse)wash and~a patient(护士)为病人洗净皮肤并刮去毛发;~sb's head/sb's legs 剃个光头/刮去腿上的汗毛;~the hair off sb's legs 刮去腿上的汗毛;~off one's beard 刮掉络腮胡子;〖同〗cut,barber;

(2)刨,刮(cut off in very thin pieces from a surface)[T+nT+n+adv (off)]:~the bottom of the door to make it close properly 将门的底部刨掉一层,使其关严;~off a piece of wood/some ice/the top branches of that bush 刨掉一片木片/刮下一些冰/剪去灌木丛顶部的枝杈;〖同〗cut,trim,shear;

(3)掠(擦)过(come close to or touch slightly in passing)[T+n](infml):(bullet) just~sb's cheek/sb by an inch(子弹)擦着某人的面颊飞过/从某人身边掠过;(truck)~the corner of the wall while turning(卡车)紧贴着墙角转弯;The car~d past the pedestrain. 汽车从行人旁边擦身而过。〖同〗scrape,brush,skin;

n剃须,修面,刮脸(act of removing hair from one's/sb's face)[C,通常sing]:have a~every morning 每天早上刮脸;It's time for your~. 你该刮脸了。

→′shaven adj 剃(刮)过的;′shaver n 剃须刨(刀);小伙子





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