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单词 离心离德

离心离德lí xīn lí dé

be different in thinking and faith; be divided in heart and in practice; be torn by dissension and discord; disunity
❍ 受有亿兆夷人,~;……(《尚书·泰誓中》) Shou has hundreds of thousands and millions of ordinary men,divided in heart and divided in practice;…/共产党内部一心一意,我们是~,尔虞我诈!唉!(吴强《红日》517) The Communist Party is united within itself while we are divided among ourselves,cheating and deceiving each other,Ai!/而一切不利于抗日和团结的、鼓动群众~、反对进步、拉着人们倒退的东西,便都是坏的。(《毛泽东选集》825) On the other hand,everything is bad that is detrimental to unity and resistance to Japan,foments dissension and discord among the masses and opposes progress and drags people back.

离心离德li xin li de

dissension and discord


disunity;dissension and discord; divided loyalty
军心不稳,人们~。The troops are troubled by disunity and divided loyalty.

离心离德lí xīn lí dé

心:思想;德:道德信念。没有共同的思想和信念。形容各怀异心,思想不一,行动不一致。disunity, torn by dissension and discord, be divided among oneself, divided loyalty





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