狂kuánɡⅠ ❶ (精神失常; 疯狂) mad; crazy: 发 ~ go mad; 他高兴得发 ~。 He is crazy with delight. 她欣喜若 ~。 She went mad with joy. ❷ (猛烈; 急剧; 声势大) violent; wild: ~ 奔的马 a bolting horse; ~ 饮 drink heavily; 股票价格 ~ 跌。 The stocks slumped. 雨骤风 ~。 The wind blew hard and the rain came down in sheets. ❸ (纵情; 无拘束) wild; delirious; raving; unrestrained: ~ 怒 raving with fury; ~ 喜 be wild with joy; be delirious with delight ❹ (狂妄) arrogant; overbearing: 口出 ~ 言 talk wildly Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 交 Kuang Jiao ◆狂暴 violent; wild; frantic; furious; rapid; 狂奔 run about wildly; run about madly; 狂飙 hurricane; wild whirlwind; 狂飚运动 storm and stress; 狂草 a wild scribble; an excessively free cursive style (in Chinese calligraphy); 狂跌 {贸易} slump; 狂放 unruly or unrestrained; wild or undisciplined; 狂放不羁 profligate and unrestrained; behave unbridledly; with abandon; uninhibited; unruly; 狂吠 bark furiously; howl; 狂风 {气} whole gale; fierce wind; wild wind; 狂风暴雨 a furious strom — a dangerous situation;a windy downpour; a heady tempest; galedriven rain; howling wind and torrential rain; rage; violent storm; violent wind and driving rain; 狂风恶浪 fierce storm; 狂轰滥炸 bomb savagely; bomb wantonly and indiscriminately; wanton and indiscriminate bombing; wanton bombing; 狂欢 revelry; carnival; rejoice with wild excitement; be carried away by wild pleasure or joy; revel; hold a carnival; 狂澜 raging waves; roaring waver; 狂怒 rage; furor; fury; 狂气 arrogant airs and manner of speaking; 狂犬病 lupomania; phohodipsia; hydrophobia; rabies; cynolyssa; cynomania; lytta; lyssa; lysso; 狂热 fanaticism; fanatical; feverish; rabid; fever; 狂人 madman; maniac; lunatic; extremely conceited fellow; 狂妄 wildly arrogant; extremely conceited; frantic; unbridled; wanton; presumptuous; 狂妄自大 (as) proud as Lucifer; be arrogant and conceited; ride the high horse; false pride; have grandiose delusion concerning oneself; megalomania; think one is the whole cheese; 狂喜 wild with joy; rejoice with wild excitement; be ravished with joy; 狂想曲 {音} rhapsody; 狂笑 laugh wildly; laugh boisterously; wild laugh; roars of laughter; 狂言 ravings; wild language; nonsense; incoherent talk; boastful talks; bragging; crazy talk; crazy remarks; 狂恣 unrestrained; uninhibited; disolute; profligate |