释义 |
离乡背井背井离乡;离乡别井lí xiāng bèi jǐngbe driven out from one’s own home; be far away from home; leave one’s home (/native place/home village/land and homestead) ❍ 我又累被官司缠扰,背井离乡而去。(《水浒全传》441)I am continually annoyed by these magistrates and I am driven out from my own home. ❍ 只是大娘子不在了,~的,谁照顾您呢?(田汉《关汉卿》96) The only regret is that Mistress Guan is no longer living,and who is going to take care of you while you’re so far away from home?/小和尚道:“师父差了。唐僧乃是离乡避井的一个行脚僧。你这等年高享用,也够了,倒要像他做行脚僧,何也?” (《西游记》217) “The grand-master is erring”,said the little monk,“The Tang monk is a mendicant who had to leave his home and country. You are enjoying the benefits of old age here,and that should be sufficient.Why do you want to be a mendicant like him?”/为什么离乡别井,抛妻室,弃儿女呢?(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—99) Why did I ever leave my home,my wife and my children to come so far?/有许多本地的干部,现在要~,到前方去。(《毛泽东选集》1060)Many local cadres will be leaving their native places for the front. 离乡背井li xiang bei jinggo away from home 离乡背井leave one’s native place;go away from home |